looking for DB's, or db hets or Blanco het db

Gecko Euphoria

New Member
I have a ton of nice leos I would be willing to trade for any female db's or hets, I'm trying to get me a good group going and looking for what ever I can get. I would love to do some tradeing but also have cash so let me know what you got I have some very nice Tremper enigma possible het Raptors, or mack snowglow tremper enigmas possible het Raptors also have a couple mack enigmas het las vegas or tremper which ever strain you like, they are super nice, also have some nice patternless red stripe eclipses that would be perfect in a typhoon breeding group. and tons of other geckos even some nice 08 hatched proven breeders or even some virginsm so if you want to trade for anything or what your looking for and we canwork out a deal, thanks for looking thanks,


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