Looking for MBD info


New Member
Yes thats defiantly MBD. Luckily it just looks like in the front legs. They have calcium you can put in there water(pure D3) and dusting its food will definatly make a huge improvement. Itd be best however to get him to a vet and get him the medicine from them. But there are options. I have a gecko who was rescued back in sep. that the vet said would die. She has MBD so bad her jaw and front legs when dropped broke....the vet didnt give her more then a few weeks. Well needless to say with medicine and time shes better(could see her spin too...) Not much will come up but the bit that does helps a ton.


New Member
Cleveland TN
Is MBD reversible ? reason why I ask, not that I am going to right now,but can a female with mbd breed healthy offspring?
Sorry might be a silly question to some but I really don't know..


Active Member
Southern Illinois
In a very young gecko, the legs might straighten out again with a calcium cure (and yours is still a juvie), but in older geckos, the damage from MBD seems to be irreversible.

I wouldn't breed her, because a deficiency in a gravid animal can result in deficiencies/deformities in the offspring. It doesn't always happen, but you might run the risk. You need to decide if this is worth it. It is safer to keep her as a pet only.



New Member
NE Ohio
My vet said we could either use liquid calcium from the pharmacy which has to be diluted a lot. He said the easier way would be to take the powder we use and mix it with water to make a paste, then dab the paste on her nose to make her lick it off. We did this, and it worked quite well for her. This was in addition to dusting her feeders every feeding, and leaving a bowl of calcium in her tub 24/7.


New Member
Cleveland TN
My vet said we could either use liquid calcium from the pharmacy which has to be diluted a lot. He said the easier way would be to take the powder we use and mix it with water to make a paste, then dab the paste on her nose to make her lick it off. We did this, and it worked quite well for her. This was in addition to dusting her feeders every feeding, and leaving a bowl of calcium in her tub 24/7.

I have given the one in the video back to the breeder, and got another..looks like she might have a slight case of mbd.. so just a precaution i am now
,taken some repashy super food calcium plus.and mixing it up with a little water,then putting it in a eyedropper and giving it to her that way...she like it or atleast i think..she does she is a lot more lively.

After talking to the breeder she said she makes her own calcium mix.
i tried to politily teller its not good(obviously)

I would like to hear from some of the experts on this issue,or people with stories of there experiences and the overall outcome...

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
CALCIUM! Be careful with liquid calcium though... it is thick and syrupy, and geckos can aspirate on it if it isn't administered properly. Calcium deficiencies are really not genetic per se, but since the parathyroid gland controls calcium metabolism I have a hunch that this problem could be hereditary, especially if the gecko has been supplemented properly.

Hypocalcemia (low blood calcium) is responsible for the majority of MBD cases. MBD cannot really be reversed, but it can be stopped from progressing with higher doses of calcium... preferably WITH Vitamin D3 since that boost calcium absorption. The younger the gecko, while it is still growing and developing bone mass, the better. Usually with adult geckos the disfigurement of the bones is permanent, where with younger ones the bones are still developing and can develop somewhat normally.

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