looking for some advice or help on website :)


New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
I looked through the page source on your homepage and couldn't find anything. I am assuming you are using a program to build your site? Depending on the program, you might be able to find something on their site. If you already checked, here is a bump so maybe someone can help.

As far as preventing spam from using your contact, you could try a CAPTCHA. As far as adding it to your site, I am clueless... I just use a mailto link. lol


New Member
I looked through the page source on your homepage and couldn't find anything. I am assuming you are using a program to build your site? Depending on the program, you might be able to find something on their site. If you already checked, here is a bump so maybe someone can help.

As far as preventing spam from using your contact, you could try a CAPTCHA. As far as adding it to your site, I am clueless... I just use a mailto link. lol

i am using dreamweaver to edit my site. it's jquery lightbox (not js) it is written into the CSS from what i can see. i am not using a site builder. this is a template (i bought it) BUT you have to do all of the customization yourself.

if you would like to see the style sheet or the html file i can send them to you :)

thank you very much!


New Member
I know this thread is a bit old but just in case your interested I am also using lightbox 2.03. And if IRC the config is controlled by lightbox.css
Lately mine is not working as it used too, not sure why. Maybe a recent java update. :main_huh:
Anyways I thinking of switching to Highslide. Looks nice and is newer. I seem to see it in use on a lot of web sites now. check it out http://highslide.com/


New Member
I can't get your links to work at the moment. But just to be clear, jquery is all javascript, it just uses CSS for the rendering style.

I have experience with jquery and many different "lightbox" solutions. Most likely the template isn't referencing the JS files properly or the object is not being correctly created. Either of those errors should show up in the error console in your browser.

I'm leaving work now, but I'll check back when I get home to see if you have resolved this or not.

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