Looking to be a new gecko owner. Stoked!


New Member
So I'm looking to be a first time gecko owner. I've owned reptiles my entire life. Snakes have been my thing. I've owned three different corns, a ball python and a rosy boa to myself. With my dad we've had a few really cool breeds such as an Olive Pyton and an Eastern Indigo. So I'm not new to the whole reptile thing. I'm looking to buy my gecko from a breeder not ++++++++ or anything like that because I know that they don't take good care of them and they are likely to die. So I was hoping to get a good website to buy from. I was looking to spend roughly 20-40 dollars on it. I'd love a link! Also I'd love for them to be an overnight shipper. Because I'd like to get my gecko purchased tomorrow and have it get to my house by Saturday. Because I'd like to have my Saturday/Sunday to set up the tank and get the little guy situated before going back to work Monday. Thanks!


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
Aron, Welcome to GF!

If you are getting into breeding you will not want to get any geckos that you do not have the genetic background on. You made a wise decision to get your geckos from a breeder. As a breeder I will only ship FEDEX next day delivery by 10:30am Mon-Wed, that way if the shipping company messes up the gecko will not sit at a shipping hub over the weekend. It is also rare for a breeder to ship $20-40 geckos because shipping is going to be an additional $45-$55.

There are local shows in Ohio. Here is a list of shows coming up:
Cin City Reptile Show (Mason, OH) Jun 9
All Ohio Reptle Show (Columbus) Jun 15
All Cleveland Reptile Show Jun 16


New Member
Thanks. I'm not looking to breed myself. I just was looking for a new type of reptile to have as a pet honestly. I went to a local Jack's Aquarium's because I know that they actually take care of their animals. And I was happy to find an albino patternless for around 60 bucks. Which I probably could have gotten cheaper elsewhere, but I was honestly just in the moment of just wanting to get my new gecko and get him home. I've had him for like 3 days now. Got him out for the first time last night and he was fantastic. I'm so happy that I went with my spur of the moment decision to get him. Just holding him I automatically knew I was going to have him for a long time. And I was very happy with that. He's so relaxed and chill which I wasn't expecting. And I think he's already getting to know me. Because when I had him out he wanted to be on my not either of the people I had over. One of which is my room mate. But my room mate hasn't been around when I have interacted with him through the tank or fed him. But also thanks for the info on the shows. I'm probably going to hit a show just to talk with a breeder about what all I can do just to keep the little guy happy. They know best right?


New Member
Best picture I have of him atm. Dropped my phone today and since the camera hasn't worked so I haven't been able to get a picture of him while he was out.


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New Member
Sorry to just get back to you been busy with work! But he's roughly 3-4 months old. I got him from a Jacks Aquariums. But he normally lays either flat or he's moving around. He was doing this because I was standing by the cage. I've only had him about a week but he already seems to recognize me. So happy with him. He deff seems like a pet I'm going to enjoy for the next like what 10 years? :D


New Member
Upper Midwest.
he looks just like mine. I got mine from pet solutions. It is so exciting to unbox a new little gecko. My mom even came over to watch and my kids all lined up along the counter. You have to post pictures when he gets bigger!

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