Looking to get a Gargoyle Gecko


New Member
I am new to owning geckos as in i have never had one, and I was wondering is a Gargoyle gecko a good choice for a first gecko, In my opinion they are the coolest looking ones and I like how they move, I know what owning a gecko required as in the basics on handling and care. So what im asking is are they easy to care for and could any one recommend a breeder for me, I don't want a leo gecko because my girlfriend has one and they are just not for me, so please don't recommended another gecko i have my heart set on a gargoyle but this is not something im going to do with out proper research.


Finds me a dragon!
Indiana, USA
gargolyes are awesome! i got my first one about a month and a half ago.

they are super easy to care for.

they eat Crested Gecko Diet, occasionally a cricket or two.
they need lots of branches to climb on, they love to climb.
mist twice a day, they like it humid.
temps are 70 and no higher than 80, so room temp

i dont have a breeder to recommend to you, i got mine at a local breeder at a local show.

im sure somebody has more info for you....im just trying to encourage you to get one ;)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Once you get things set up properly they should be no problem. I'm planning to get my first gargoyle gecko in a few weeks. I did some research into breeders and have found someone that I can actually go to rather than have something shipped. I'm in the Boston area and am getting my gargoyle July 4th weekend from Steve Cemelli of Leapenleachies.com. He's in NJ.



New Member
Well i live in the phoenix area, and i don't know if i can wait until like a reptile show here, but im defiantly going to go overboard and get the best possible setup. thanks encouraging me, how is the temperament on gargoyle geckos, do they like to be handled?


New Member
Im afraid of the temperature getting to high, because of where i live, will a fan circulating near the cage keep it cool enough. I am worried because i keep my house at about 78 in the summer. would this be to warm.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I am not a gargoyle expert, just about to get my first one. I have a crested gecko, though, live in New England and have no AC. As I understand it, both species can handle a max of low 80's in temp. When it gets too hot in my house I take my crested gecko downstairs to the basement to a special tank I have there. I guess I'll have to make one for the gargoyle too.



New Member
78 degrees is a good temp for a gargoyle. I got my first garg from acreptiles.com about a month ago. So far I love it. He's still a little skittish but he's still a baby and seems to be tolerating it better now that I've worked with him a bit. I haven't seen him eat any roaches yet but he eats CGD like crazy!
Care is pretty simple. Just give it some places to hide and climb on and mist a couple of times a day. Here's a good care sheet for gargs.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
think crested gecko, the exact same care. Of course a slightlt warmer temp like 78 will make for a gecko that wants to eat more, but I personally do not put a light over any of my gargs and they all eat great at 72 degrees. And like the crested they can handle even cooler temps also. They are also a bit more active when it is slightly more humid then the way you would keep a crested gecko, so instead of misting lighting in the morning and more heavy at night, 2 heavy mistings works best with them.

All geckos will be a bit different, I personally have 5 gargs, 4 of my 5 gargs are easy to handle, my young male is a bit more flighty but he came from a place they dont handle a whole lot. As did my adult female took her months to settle down. But all of my juvies and my female now are easy as pie to handle and are more content to just sit in your hand where as my cresteds like to walk about. However unlike a crested gecko who ust squirms when not wanting to be held, gargs are more apt to poop or bite, and I find the pooping is more common. I have been bitten once by them, my adult female when I first got her home, and she was a terrible pooper too, but again it was because she came from a home where she wasnt handled, now she never goes to the bathroom on me.

There are a few great breeders out there, my suggestion is www.lunargecko.net
Sarah has outstanding geckos, and is known as the "garg queen" on rhac based forums, my next garg will be from her for sure. If your looking for something a little lower end as Sarah deals in higher end gargs, I would suggest http://www.royalreptilia.com/
Limey there has a good selection of high end and lower end gargs to choose from. Mike from http://www.dragontownreptiles.com/ also has fantastic gargs, along with www.pangeareptile.com Matt doesnt have any listed but if you email him he always has them available.

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