Lost info on this one- what morph so you think?



Ok I know its in the SHT family but it is nothing like my others so I think it may be special. Heres three pics not the best but I hope they are good enough to tell. The last one shows the black spots under its chin. Any thoughts are welcome. I had red stripe, albino and SHT eggs altogether in the incubator and I mark on the egg but this ones egg ran so I was unable to read it. Thanks Deb
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Wow!!! :D :D :D :D Thats cool! She really looked so different from the others so even though I have bred SHTCTB ect she was so dark orange and yeah I saw the CT and went YES!!!! Thanks for the thoughts on her( I hope shes a her) I am going to loop her tonight. Now to figure out which of the parents shes from I do have that written down I just need to count days it took her to hatch and then guestimate. But shes here to stay! Deb :D

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