Lygodactylus Williamsi (electric blue day gecko)


Addicted to reptiles!
Rugby, Warwickshire, England
Hi peoples!

I have recently been offered an electric blue day gecko and I LOVE THEM!! wanted to get peoples opinions on how easy they are to look after etc..
Ive done some research etc and they seem relatively easy.
Is there anything I need to know that they dont tell you in books etc?

any help is appreciated :)



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't keep these, but I think their size and care are similar to that of P. klemmeri which I do keep. Once the tank is set up with proper hiding spots, planting and humidity (I use planted tanks which I don't have to clean), they should do well. I feed my klemmeri 1/4" or smaller crickets twice a week and baby food with calcium plus supplement twice a week. I've had her for 5 years or so.




I have a Williamsi. I have the same basic set-up as the previous poster, but I think I need to make some adjustments, as he is mostly dark, as opposed to the brilliant blue. I can't seem to get him to eat crickets often. He prefers fresh mango with calcium and vitamin supplements. He turns up his nose at baby food. I have noticed he will go to ground to hunt the crickets hiding in the moss and will snatch fruit flies that enter the tank for the fruit. I haven't seen him catch any crickets though. His color does seem to brighten to blue when he listens to certain music. Despite the distressed coloring, he must be eating well enough since he's had three sheds in the last three and a half months.

I'd take the offer. For their personalities alone, they are a rewarding addition. And they stay relatively small so great for space challenged people living in apartments or other tight quarters. Let us know whether you decided to get it or not and how things are going if you do.

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