Hello everyone I am new to Leopard Geckos. I am looking to get one that I believe is a mack snow, but iI cant 100% tell. I attached a picture of him hopefully someone can let me know what morph he is. Thanks in advance.
I havent gotten him/her yet. Someone local is selling him/her so just making sure he/she was a snow. Thanks for the replies! I'll make sure to get him filled ul when I pick him/her up!
A skinny tail is a definite sign that something isn't right. And pray it isn't parasites. I went through a nightmare with parasites and lost 5 of my first 7 pet geckos from a petstore....everyone I got was sick because they were all living together at the petstore. Eventually I talked them into exchanging/replacing ALL my tank/supplies/etc and I started over with "breeder quality" geckos from professionals.
It will be a good idea to keep the gecko in strict quarantine from any other geckos you may have and to take a fecal sample in to the vet. That said, to me it looks as if the gecko is pretty young and the tail may not be as skinny as it would seem if it were an adult.
He is around 4 1/2 months old, I don't know if that could be a reason why his tail is small? I am going to look him over when I get him as that picture was taken about 2 weeks ago. Thanks everyone for the info great to know and now I will definitely be cautious when I go to get him.