Mack Snow Eclipses


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I thought I would take some pics to show the differences in color of some of my MSE.

Mack Snow Eclipse versus Mack Snow Eclipse Fascio.
The MSE Fascio (pictured bottom) has much lighter yellow and lavendar compared to the regular MSE.

I cant get over how white my Obese (lol oops) MSE is. She is the mom for all my SS Eclipses from 2011 and the female pictured sitting in front of her.


New Member
Congrats! You've got a great MSE/F group!

I see what you are explaining about the comparison of MSE vs MSEF, thanks! However, the difference in the background colour (pale yellow & lavender) of MSE vs MSEF seems to me difficult to distinguish (especially if one has no experiece with the morph, as in my case). What I clearly see from the pics above is that in MSEF the dark spots are paller and with lack of contrast compared to the MSE.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Thanks everyone for the compliments!

However, the difference in the background color (pale yellow & lavender) of MSE vs MSEF seems to me difficult to distinguish (especially if one has no experiece with the morph, as in my case). What I clearly see from the pics above is that in MSEF the dark spots are paler and with lack of contrast compared to the MSE.

Fascios in general have very nice lavendar color is what I have been told. So if you compared a high yellow to a fascio you would get a similar comparison. It is always hard to distinguish the subtle difference between a subspecies and a "mix breed" or common leopard gecko.
The difference in the light/darkness of spots... I am not sure if this is a fascio thing but what I think is this is from the eclipse. The fascio is not related to the other eclipse and so the eclipse in him is likely one that has lighter spots.

Either that or some snows are what I like to call "moody". They differ a lot in light/dark depending on temp needs. The MSEF happened to be in a light mood at that time of the photo. When I went to check on him earlier he was in a dark mood, so his spots were very dark like the female in the photo.
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New Member
Just Gorgeous Michelle ! Love em all , Oh have a great and safe trip,,, take lots of critter pics:D:main_laugh::main_thumbsup::p

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