Maggots in my mealworm farm!


New Member
So yesterday i was looking through my mealworm farm and seeing how things were and i saw a maggot on the side outside the farm and i was like crap we got maggots in the house. I searched for their food source in the room only to realize they were coming from the farm itself. Now the thing is it only came from my beetle's tub and not the worms tub. I use potatoes as a moisture or water source for them and quick oats as their main food source for both worms and beetles.

Why is it that my beetles got maggots but not my worms?
How do I avoid getting maggots again i've replaced all the oats and took out the potatoes. I would say it has well air circulation because there was no cap on it.
I was so happy to see all the worms being made till i realized most of them were baby maggots...


New Member
Glendale, AZ
are you positive they were maggots? meal worms that just shed are a pale white color, and are squishy; they have no shell. If it was maggots, i believe maggots come from flies. Having no lid on the beetle cage and having wet potatoes out in the open could have been an open invitation for flies to make it their "home". Do you have a lid on the mealworm container? That could be why they didn't also get maggots. What kind of container do you keep the beetles in? I keep mine in a 16qt tub and I have small holes drilled all over the lid for ventilation, I've never had a problem with this set up.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If they're not teeny mealworms or maggots they may be grain moth larvae. If so, they have cocoons that bunch up the gutload. Check online to see pictures of maggots to make sure that's really what it is. Even if you do, are you sure your leos won't eat them?



New Member
are you positive they were maggots? meal worms that just shed are a pale white color, and are squishy; they have no shell. If it was maggots, i believe maggots come from flies. Having no lid on the beetle cage and having wet potatoes out in the open could have been an open invitation for flies to make it their "home". Do you have a lid on the mealworm container? That could be why they didn't also get maggots. What kind of container do you keep the beetles in? I keep mine in a 16qt tub and I have small holes drilled all over the lid for ventilation, I've never had a problem with this set up.

they were definitely maggots. I didn't have a lid on them and now i do. i think the maggot eggs or larvae would bunch up the oats. I have them in a 6qt tub.

Digby Rigby

The prupose of containment is only half composed of keeping the occupants contained. Just as important is kepin unwanted things out. I still do not understand the reason behind people using open bins. Use microscreen. Many things that are too big to get in can often lay eggs or enter as tiny larva. Ever find a big spider in with your crickets? It didnt start out that size.

So in closing remember that containment i sonly half of the equation. The other half is keeping unwanted things out.

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