What are some more major breeders that can be trusted? (Mainly when it comes to knowing exactly what morph and or het.) Just not sure where to start and wondering what other people's experience has been with different breeders.
Welcome to GF. For the most part, the breeders with banners at the top of the page are well-known and trusted. If you find another breeder (or for these too), you can go to faunaclassified.com to the BOI (Board of Inquiry) sub-forum and do a search for the breeder by name. You'll find any positive or negative comments that have been made.
Pretty much anyone advertising at the top of the page is a trust worthy breeder. Ron Tremper (@ leopardgecko.com) just put a new section of his site up where he sells geckos at great prices. Steve Sykes (@ geckosetc.com) is another really good breeder (but he is a little pricey, but you get what you pay for).