making supplementation easier


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm still thinking about ways to make supplementing easier for new gecko owners. I use the schedule for my geckos that many people here use: calcium without D3 available at all times, feeders dusted with calcium/D3 weekly and with vitamins weekly. When I sell geckos and set-ups I provide all 3 types of supplement and instructions to do the same. I have a sense that many people here feel that if someone can't handle this schedule, maybe they shouldn't own a gecko. I still think it's worthwhile thinking about ways to make this simpler especially for people who are still on the dog and cat model which is usually "feed twice daily and provide water".

My newest idea is to mix the calcium with D3 and the vitamins and suggest that people dust with the mixture weekly. I feel it's less overwhelming than having to keep track of 2 different supplements. My idea is based on my supplementation of my day geckos which need much more D3. Their live food is dusted with calcium/D3 and vitamins in 2:1 ratio. Their fruit nectar is supplemented with the same mixture.
What do people think about this? What is the advantage to supplementing a mixture weekly rather than 2 separate supplements each weekly? If there is an advantage (and I can't think of one at the moment), is it such a huge advantage that it really must be done that way? I'm curious to know what other people think about this.



I don't use calcium with D3 in addition to using plain calcium and a multivitamin supplement with D3

I feel that they get enough D3 from the weekly dusting with either violate or Leo gecko dust
Also my feeder insects all get fresh veggies and greens that seem to do the trick

I made a salad for my beardies and skinks last night that looked better than any salad that I had made for myself recently-lol

I admit that I just had to munch on the red and yellow bell peppers and the apples that I also put in with the feeder insects
Man-those red delicious apples were really sweet

I only keep nocturnal geckos so I don't want to risk using too much D3 with them
The powdered crestie diet does not need any added calcium of any kind and the Leos and afts get D3 from their multi-vitamin weekly that I dust the insects with
Just my 2 cents


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New Member
Weymouth MA
Speaking as a newbie, so long as the mix would be providing the right amount & there isn't a contradiction in the gecko being able to absorb the vitamins & D3 in the some feeding it would probably lead to better gecko care.


i thought if you combined the two they counteracted one another? thats what i heard

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I haven't heard that. However, one thing I can say from experience is that it should be 2 days, not one. Last season I was mixing the vitamins with calcium carbonate so the geckos would take it better. I failed to see this reduced the amount of vitamins. The result - most of my hatchlings were deformed. I've since changed that, I can't tell you what results the new schedule has because I haven't breed this season yet.

Also...if you look at the repti-cal and repti-vite it recommends mixing them together. They say they don't do it for you due to the manufacturing process....or something like that.


Hrm, what should I do? I use a calcium supple for my beardie w/ d3 daily, and a multi weekly, I plan on the same for the leo I just got. Is this bad? should I switch to what?


New Member
Admittedly, the info has not been verified by me, but I HAVE heard that [at least Repcal and Herptivite] cannot be mixed and stored together for any extended period. This info was supposedly directly from the manufacturer. It makes sense logically, but what does that really mean... I'll find some time soon to contact the manufacturers of various calcium and vitamin products to verify the "rumor". In the meantime, I don't think it's much of a hassle to mix the two products immediately before dusting...Hope to confirm soon...


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I wouldn't expect there to be a problem with mixing the two products together just before dusting since the day gecko expert I follow (Leanne Christianson) recommends mixing the two in the day gecko nectar. I would be curious if you find anything out about storing them together. I was considering providing the mixture to people who buy a whole gecko set-up but I won't do it if it's counterindicated.



Bells Rule!
I may go overboard on supplements, but here's what I do...

Hatchlings to 40 grams get their food dusted heavily with Vionate every feeding.

Sub-adults to adults have a dish of plain old Rep-Cal calcium available at all times, feeders are dusted with Rep-Cal w/D3 once a week and Herptivite once a week. I also add a good amount of Vionate to the food dishes as a food source for feeders.

Any supplement regime may seem complicated at first, but once you have the schedule down it's pretty simple.

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