Male leopard geckos are value,pricey than females?


While I wa slooking for second leopard gecko if i could see prices and compare, on website of above,
I noticed females are low prices but males are more far off. O.O
So why's that?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
There's a pretty simple explaination for that and it has to do with breeding. A quality male with good genetic background is worth way more than a similar female. Why is this? Well, if you think about it, a male can be bred to multiple females(quite a few actually) and pass his genes on to many offspring. Compare this to a female, who can only pass her genes once a season to less offspring. For example:

You want to produce some Bell albinos. There are two scenarios you can take.

Scenerio 1: you buy a Bell albino female and breed her to a normal male. She produces 8ish het Bell offspring. Next season you breed one of those male offspring back to his mother and produce 4-6 bell albinos.

Scenario 2: You buy a Bell Albino male and breed him to 4 normal females. You get 32 het bell albino offspring, incubate them all for female, then breed them all back to the Bell male next season, producing 128ish Bell Albinos.

That is why a quality male is often worth way more than an identical female.

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