Male or Female ?


New Member
I`ve decided to get a leo for my little brother. it will be his first pet so i was wondering if a male or female would be better? i have heard that males are more agressive and females sometimes lay infertile egss(this would scare my brother).


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I actually think that most of our males are more mellow than our females. I always recommend adult (or subadult) males as a first Leo for younger people. Every Leo has it's own personality so you can't know based on gender which will be more friendly but you can generally guess how jumpy they'll be based on size. Baby Leos get scared and aren't used to being handled so they don't make the best starter gecko. Males make great "only" geckos because you don't have to worry about ovulating or eggs and they're less likely to stop eating during breeding season if there's not a female in the same room.


Cautious Gecko Firsttimer
Man, I'm quite the exception here.

I started off with a baby male, and he was quite mellow. He's sub-adult now, and he's pretty much completely docile.

The female I had for a day was a little skittish, but it was understandable, since it was her first day at my house. She did not act as bad as I thought she would've.

The bottom line is, after making extreme generalizations:
Males are easy to start with, as they are quite docile.
However, if you ever plan on housing more than one gecko, start with a female.

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