Mandarin Tangerine Enigma

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Here's one of our favorites for this season....female produced from Venus and Mandarin. Venus has no enigma issues, so that was further improved by adding the very mellow Mandarin genes. Her head is almost red.
This female has zero enigma issues. She is very smart and friendly, super calm, and a huge eater. We'll likely breed her back to Mandarin next year. I'm also searching for a nice Tang Enigma male for her but have been unable to locate the right one...


Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Thanks Mike. Unfortunately she was the only one we got like that from that pairing. I'd love to find a really bright Tang Enigma male for her if anyone knows of one. Otherwise Mandarin will be her mate next year...would be nice to get 100% though, especially since she is completely normal. Next year I'll be sure to incubate for males so we might be able to get a male like her with no neuro issues.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
I know the debate rages on that you cannot breed out the Enigma issues....but this gecko disproves that IMO. Her mother has no issues, and breeding her to Mandarin (who is super mellow and smart) further improved this baby's genetics. This gecko acts completely normal, as normal as any other morph. Now, breeding her to another Enigma may bring up some of these issues but not sure. Breeding her to Mandarin makes the most sense (even though we'd get fewer Enigmas), just to keep diluting/improving the genetics. As doctors say, the solution to pollution is dilution!

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