Market for Reptiles.



I was wondering how the reptile market is these days? I know when I moved 15 months ago it was pretty strong. I never had things up for sale for more than a couple of days. Week at the most. But since I took a year off to focus on moving and establishing my life here in Florida the economy in general has taken a turn for the worse. And I'm noticing now that it's extremely hard to sell reptiles. Maybe it's just because the market is flooded right now and I like to keep my prices up because of the work I put into my animals.

Or is everyone having a similar problem? I don't mind holding back my animals until the market is less crowded. It usually means more money for me and some reptiles that turn out much nicer than expected. Besides the fact I currently have enough room to house everything I've got. But with 50-100 leopard geckos babies expected in the next month I'm starting to wonder if I should slow down some projects untill the market seems to pick up. Then again I really don't mind all the extra pets haha I love animals and it gives me an excuse to spend more time with them.

Whats everyone elses experience?


Im not so sure that it is the market is crowded as it is the economy is hurting everything. Now you add in on top of everything the fuel prices and I think we can plan to see a real drop in sales this year. Normally for me more animals are moved via the internet, but htis year I am having better luck at the shows. I think it will stay like this until the economy turns around some.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
We live in Florida, also, and have completely stopped our breeding projects. With all the regulations and legislation and such, the market isn't moving very fast here and when all you have is normal morphs, its not worth the headache/heartache of trying to sell them. :(
I dedicate alot of time and effort to my animals and to sell them for $20 is kind of an insult. High dollar morphs seem to be the only thing actually moving down here.
Hopefully, things will turn around soon.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I see the market declining for sure. There are so many leopard geckos for sale and people don't seem to have a lot of disposable income. It's hurting us all.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I am having a different experience, but I'm in a different position. I'm a small breeder who will probably produce 35-40 geckos tops and will sell them for $25-40. This is my 4th season and so far I have only sold locally. I aim to sell out by January each year. My season has started slowly this year --I only have 6 hatchlings instead of the usualy 15 or so by now, but I have about 8 more coming in the next week. I actually have people and a pet store waiting for my geckos to get big enough and am a bit worried that I won't be able to supply everyone that's looking. I've made the choice to stay small, depend on word of mouth (I sell at 2 herp society shows and talk about my geckos to everybody) and sell relatively inexpensively (but not to undercut current prices). SO far it's working for me.



What regulations are hurting us here in Florida? Or is it just the animals you work with. I haven't seen anything effecting any of my animals I work with. I do this for fun, and yes I have made decent money in the past but it still is all about the fun.

Hopefully the economy picks up though I'd hate to see a lot of good reptiles selling for next to nothing just so people can pay bills etc. I mean sure I'd like to get some in my collection but I'd prefer the market to stay strong.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I have to maintain a Class III license because I have constrictor snakes, but we were breeding burmese and retic pythons, which are now on the ROC list. Since our animals were breeders, we didn't have to register them, but in order to sell them or their babies, a buyer had to provide their Class III and their permit, which cost them an additional $100. Unless the buyer was from out of state. Then they could pay me for the animal, but I then would have to ship the animal to them.
No one wants to buy a $45 burmese baby when they have to spend $100 on a permit to have one in the first place. And (the best part) the $100 registration is only good for 1 year. Then they have to do it again as well as get the animal microchipped. If they don't reregister, F&W wants to know where that snake is.
Its a total mess... :(


Wow that really does stink. I had to go through the same thing if I wanted Nile Monitors which I was going to do. But then decided it was too much of a hassle and stuck with Savs and small monitors.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Yup! Niles are one of the five on the ROC list.
We also raise Red Tail boas. I'm waiting for the axe to drop on them, too.


Yeah see here in Florida we're just now dealing with this. But this law was put into place in NY YEARS ago so I was used to it. Infact NY had A LOT more reptiles on there than Florida does so consider us lucky down here for now.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Wow... *mental note. Don't try to move to NY*

We have some friends still out in WA state that are dealing with the licensing and regulations. I guess like NY, pretty much all reptiles have to be registered there, too.

You're right. For now, I'll count my blessings. ;)


I notice a lot of people selling things that they most likely wouldn't have in the past. (Like breeders of more expensive species). Or in some cases things they recently aquired. I suspect to make money since they need it.

I also see high end things not selling at the high prices they might have once sold at.

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