Martial arts


Aussie Reptile Keeper

What martial arts do you do or have done?

over the years i have done Jiu-Jitsu, Tae Kwon-Do, A little wushu and Boxing.

never stuck at them due to impracticality and boredom mostly.

The only martial art i still practice is Kodachi Kenjitsu. kenjitsu is the true samurai sword art, Kodachi Kenjitsu uses the short sword only(wakizashi)

I originally took private lessons from one of the leading masters of Kodachi Kenjitsu but now i just train myself.

I used to be pretty good at boxing and did a couple of amateur bouts but i don't have the heart for it if ya know what i mean. I felt real bad for beatin the crap out of my opponent. im not a violent person so i decided it wasn't for me. plus back then i was a competitive bodybuilder and had a hell of allot of strength behind my punches.

what about you?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I started practicing Aikido in 1991, but I haven't been since last year. I'm hoping to get back to it soon.


Roaming Reptiles

Brandon Fowler
I started Jiu-Jitsu, Pit Fighting and Kickboxing about 3 yrs ago. I have had 10 fights so far. Its a blast. I have been slowing down some becuase of my knee that I blew out in High School. But being in the cage or ring is a blast and a great workout.


New Member
Athens, GA
I take Kyuki-Do, which is a Korean martial art based off of Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and Hapkido (Korean Aikido). We get our distance attacks and hard style defenses from Tae Kwon Do, our soft style from the Hapkido, and our wrestling/ground work/ throws with Judo. I really like it because it's well-rounded and good for self-defense. I'm just a green belt though, still working on those ranks. ^_~


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
i practic the warrior arts sogobujutsu, the martal arts of the samuril. it is old world, traditional form of Jutaijutsu and Aikijujutsu. i have been doing this for 4 years now. im 25 years old, and have been doing martial arts since i was 5. karati, judo, tae kwan do, and brazilian ju jitsu. sogobujitsu is the most affective MA i have found so far IMO. we are one of only 2 schools in the US that practice this old world form. something that i love about this art is that it is so affective that the UFC and all other fighting sports will not allow us to compeat with them. here is a pic that i posted the other day.


we have full liniage to the real samuri of japan 1000 years ago. we also have liniage from a very strong ninjitsu ryu.

here is a link to our web page. there are videos and pics there!!!


Aussie Reptile Keeper
I checked out that website nevinm, looks good.

Competing was fun for me too, at first. and i was real good at it. (boxing)
In the ring your oponent is your enemy and you have to take him down.

My last fight was bad. the guy was good and landed a few good, fast punches i was holding back before that(my coach told me too, to draw out the fight and make it last longer)

But once i realized he was good i laid in to him and soon knocked him down. he couldnt get up. he looked bad, real bad ya know what i mean.

I went in to the back rooms after the match to see him but i was told he was taken to hospital. you can amagine the look of horror on my face.

I called the hospital later on and asked if i could see him. got up there man he looked terrible. his face was black and blue and swollen and he told me i broke a couple of his ribs. I told him how sorry i was and he said stright up. don't be, you beat me, this happends. we know the risk when we start out at this sport.

I swore back then that i would never box again. I didnt have the right mind set i guess you could say(im too much of a nice guy). ive seen guys like kostya fight and the look in there eyes. they are in to win at any cost and don't care what happends to their oponent.

So now i do Kodachi Kenjitsu, once a day every day. its gotten to be like meditation. I practice mostly with a short boken that i made myself but once a month i bring out my wakizashi (its a paul chen practical plus model but i altered the kissaki and re polished ithe blade in the traditional way.) for tamashigiri.
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