beardies for the most part are VERY handleable, but of course there are exceptions as with everything. agressive beardies are usually caused by the owner but with time can be corrected.
Well I just got my beardie 4 hours ago!
He is VERY docile and he was so cute during the car ride!
He has tiles for substrate, he has UVB, I'll be giving his first bath tomorrow and will also feed tomorrow (11 pm here)
The strange thing is that he went to coolest corner of the cage and sat there with his mouth open, while it's only 77-80 on the coolest side, taken with digital thermometer with probe.
I posted this on aswell but wanted to hear you guys opinion aswell.
I should mention the basking temp is 122 and the in between temp is about 90-95.
The guys at made a big deal out of that the heat bulb is in the middle, so I thought I'd mention it.
So far I'm loving it, and looking forward to bathing him!
Well he's 2 years old so he's a grown up.
Pictures will come tomorrow when it's time for him and me to wake up
So you're not making a big deal out of that the heat bulb is in the middle?
Arrghh all so confusing!!
I might just stop using the info of the internet from now on and see what works best for myself, apart from the basics ofcourse!
Ooh, I didn't notice that it was in the middle. Yeah, move it to one side. You want a good gradient. Think of it like a grayscale. Hottest being black at 110-120, fading to the 80s-70s, white.
Well, they're both gradients
I'll let him settle in indeed
Thanks for a calm, understandable and reasonable reply!
So yesterday evening he climbed to the top and he slept there, but I think that he doesn't know how to come off now!
Should I take him off?
Yep very big thread
Here's some pictures of my cutie!
Named him Nectarine because he LOVES nectarines
He has this weird spot on his back, dunno of you can see it and he had it before I got him, I hope it'll come off in a shed.
Bearded Dragons are really well-mannered animals. Fonzie is the best to hang out with, he's so calm and will just sit and watch TV with me or chill on my lap while I'm on the computer.
I'm sure you'll find how rewarding having one of these cuties really is!