my one leo only eats mealworms and she poops out the mealworms all together like twisted around. not like digested or anything. is this normal for mealworms?
No thats not normal. Are you sure that she pooped it out or did she throw it up becasue one time my leo threw up at it looked the same as you just described? Also do you have a UTH and what are the temps in the tank?
it could be throw up i didnt think of that. its happened before. shes the only one i have problem with eating. and the hot side is 90 and the cool side is around 80. whats UTH?
A UTH is a under tank heater, like a heat mat or heat tape. Yuor temps do seem good but you could bring your hot side up to like 92-94. I have a feeling that she is just throwing up and not pooping. Id try feeding her less and see what happens.
The problem is probably that your gecko is eating to much so is cannot properly digest the mealworms so instead she is just regurgitating the food, what I would try is reduceing the amount of food that you give her in each feeding and that should fix your problem.