So my mother surprised me with this new addition last night! It has pretty much solid black eyes, so I think it carries the BEE trait. Here are some pics. Tell me what you think of my little Inferno!
Looks like a nicely-colored Tangerine to me! :main_thumbsup: You got a nice mother. Mine would rather get rid of some geckos than acquire new ones for me :main_laugh:
A Tang cannot carry a Black-Eyed Enigma trait. Only Enigmas have that.
I was thinking it was a Tang..I wasn't sure though..Any explanation on the black eyes then? They are like solid. I've never seen a baby with such black eyes before..
Solid black eyes are a sign of the Eclipse gene. However, Eclipses also have white noses and feet! Mostly, they have a spotted tail, and thus are very distinguishable. I think yours just has very dark Tang eyes. They'll probably brighten up as it ages. Just observe them.... :main_yes: