Meet Rex (RAPTOR, I think)


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this forum... I figured posting about my newly acquired ( about a month ago) leopard gecko would be a good way to start.

He is my second gecko, the first one is just a normal one (Gonzo) purchased from petsmart in October (however, he is now my boyfriend's gecko). I don't have any pictures of him as of now, however he is quite cute, easy to handle, and quite aggressive when it comes down to chasing crickets.

Rex (named after the flying lizard in Primeval) is a bit more of a drama queen, he's not really a fan of being handled and he will only eat certain food and only under certain circumstances. I know his limited feeding is not due to impaction or temperature - The temperature in his tank on the warm side is 90 on the cool side is 70 and there are plenty of areas in between, his substrate is reptile carpet, and he has regular digestive cycles.

I think I may add a waxworm every other day to his diet again in the hopes of getting him to gain a bit more weight (as you can tell he isn't emaciated, but he is on the thinner side).

But anyway, long diatribe aside, this is Rex. I think he is a RAPTOR and I find him to be quite cute.
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New Member
I was originally planning on purchasing a female, but when I saw this guy at my local breeder's I couldn't resist.

Go figure, I go in with the intent of getting a female and I purchase the only male they have.

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