Meet the gerbils


New Member
New Jersey
Since my male bp had decided he wants only gerbils from now on(I've tried scenting and ASF rats, he seems to only want gerbils), we have now added breeding gerbils to the house agenda. I had a friend nice enough to get me a breeding pair with 8 babies. I have 4 white and 4 agouti colored babies. One of the whites is a true albino with red eyes and I plan on keeping her and one other male for a future breeding pair. Enjoy them, my daughter sure is.


New Member
you can get him switched over to rats but it might take a bit of time, just be patient :)


New Member
New Jersey
I'm hoping Robin. He dropped alot of weight from his fast, went from 1000 grams to 678 gms. Vets couldn't find anything wrong with him and fecals were negative, dewormed him anyway just in case. He was tube fed and I soaked him twice weekly for 30 minutes at a time. Even did a round of Baytril shots to cover any infections that weren't evident. Vet said probably the only reason why he didn't die. He never lost his energy, just got really skinny. Had the skin folds and could see his spine. I finally gave in and threw in a gerbil and he attacked it. He is now up to 796 gms as of Monday. I want to get him up to a good size before I try switching him so I don't have to worry about weight loss with him. I'll be happy to get him off gerbils, with my allergies. Hopefully I can sell some to pet stores if I get enough funky colors. I have a pair of black females that are strickly pets. Wouldn't mind seeing the types of colors that I wind up with.


New Member
have you had him long? was he a wc/ch or cbb?

if him enough time to get weight back but once he does we will help you as best as we can to get him back on rats :D


New Member
New Jersey
I had him for 2 1/2 years, he was a cb. He was a father's day gift for my boyfriend who always wanted a snake and picked him out. Was a fantastic eater, then I lost heat in my house for 24 hours and then he stopped eating. I figured he went into brumation and breeding mode and would snap out of it when I warmed him up. He never did. Now mind you, he always would go through a winter fast of 3-4 months and then be normal. This one worried me and I was concerned he was sick. I didn't want to do gerbils and held off for as long as I could. My boyfriend couldn't believe all the stuff I tried to get him to eat. I have brained them, dip their heads in hot water, wet them down to make them smell more, even refroze rejected meals to see if thawing them out a second time would make them smell better. Didn't matter if it was live or dead, he had no interest. I tried mice, rats, all sizes. I knew the risk of him preferring gerbils when I gave it to him. but he attacked it with such gusto that if this is what it takes, I'll do it for him. I was planning on breeding him, but I'm leary of his babies having his eating habits.

John N

JCN Reptiles
Lancaster, PA
Pretty sweet. Gerbils always amused me with the way they move.

I actually just added rodents on the breeding list too, but mine are Soft Furred Rats. Tasty little buggers.

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