As of late i thought i had this whole melanistic gecko thing sorted out. I thought the only people with possible melanistic geckos were The Urban Gecko (, Living Art Geckos (, and Team Artlink Geckoss with "Black Velvet" Leopard Geckos ( To the best of my knowledge Ron Tremper had some melanistic geckos, but they all perished in some sort of accident. Today I found the gecko in the attached photo being offered at The Gecko Ranch as a "abberant melanistic". Upon further research I found JMG reptile had a "Charcoal" gecko project underway ( One of those geckos is in the attached photo of the entirely brown gecko. At this point, I'm questioning the validity of any of these forms of "melanistic" geckos and am utterly, thoroughly, bamboozled. Is there anyone that can help me out in the least?