Hmm.... Do you think if they can successfuly produce a carpet python x green tree python, As well as borneo bat eaters (burmese x retic)?? It's a little bit possible?
Leopard geckos and AFTs aren't even in the same genus - the chances would be very near zero.
Back on topic!
That melanistic gecko is incredibly cool! I agree that it would be cool to have a dark gecko with a carrot tail. Urban has come close with those chocolate (brown - not black unfortunately) carrot tails. I love the contrast of the brown with the orange.
Oh speaking of AFT to Leo breeding, I once talked to a breeder who tried it. They transmitted foreign diseases to eachother and his WHOLE collection died! Over 10 leos and 8 afts. Yeah... not advisable. I yelled at him for being an idiot and he laughed it off. some people...