


I got a boa last night, iv been wanting one for some time now. My first snake was a boa that my uncle gave me called Jasper, but he gave it too me when it was old and he died of old age not too long after. After him I got a small RTB from a before I knew how big the reptile world was. The RTB I bought was mean as hell and no matter what I did it wasnt changing and since I was new to reptiles and the only snake I had ever handled was Jasper a friend took him off my hands. Jasper was big, calm and never agressive the baby RTB was horrible. The next snake I got was a salmon RTB that my uncle fell in love with when he was watching it for me so I gave it to him. I havent had a snake since. I decided a few days ago I wanted another and started looking for one, I wasnt looking for a specific morph because I just want it as a pet. So I stumbled across a ad last night and called the guy, ends up he lives around the corner from me and delivered it to me :]

Iv named him Miltin he is a male born on 5/01/09 he is Anery pos het Snow.


First picture without flash


Now with flash

These pictures were taken by Dave Collings of rainbows r us reptiles and thats obviously who I got this beautiful boa from thanks Dave!

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