I use plastic contianers from dollar stores. I just cut a 2 inch hole in the top and fill it half way with bed-a-beast bedding, then just add water whenever it starts to dry out. For hatchlings I use smaller containers with the hole cut in the side and 4 or 5 paper towels folded up.
you'll see tons of suggestions on all kinds of sites and forums about the best containers and substrates to use. Many state perolite, potting soil, you name it. I've found that Coco Fiber works best. They sell it in bricks at Petsmart for like five bucks and it fluffs up with water to enough to last you months. It also stays moist for a long time and they seem to love to dig in it.
I just use a round plastic container, like one you get butter in but bigger. Cut a hole in the side big enough for the leo to go in and out. For the inside I use wet paper towels.
i used a round ziplock snap and seal container and cut a hole in it then i used sand paper around the edges so it wouldnt get scraped or cut. then i put some fluker's all natural moss into it then sprayed some water into the container so it would be moist. sure its not very appealing but you could always glue some fake leaves or plants or repti carpet to the container and make it look some what nice and more natural. heres a picture of mine.
you can buy them or make your own.
Santa Claus brought my sons a Zoo Med 3-1 Reptile Hide.
Check it out. http://www.zoomed.com/html/forest_furniture_moss.php
It's the kind.
We filled it with Bed O Beast and they love it!