More tail happenings

Remember that bump where it was cracked? He dropped that part today. That personally is fine with me I don't have to worry anymore about that bite getting infected. So my question is how do I take care of a dropped tail? I know it'll take a while to regenerate the entire tail but I really don't care.
While I'm here I would like to express one concern about the tail.
I have been feeding Ollie mealies, and I must say he has gotten very chubby. His body has gotten much fatter while his tail stayed the same, even got smaller. Should I be concerned or just wait it out while it grows back?
(Also he won't eat wax worms. Is this bad? Or good? I just can't get him to eat the waxies. Guess he's used to the hard shell of the mealies. Sorry this is in the wrong section, but I didn't want to start another thread.)


Wonder Reptiles
Just keep his tank clean and leave the stub alone. He'll grow it back.
Dont handle him at all for a while (at least until the tail grows back and he gains a lot more weight).
If he'll eat mealies, then he'll be okay. No need for waxies, especially if hes not fond. He'll be okay with the mealies as a staple.


Ridgewood, NJ
I wouldn't worry about how fat he's getting until he's over 40g. Although a super high fat content diet (like all wax worms) isn't good for any animal's liver. Mealworms shouldn't make him super obese before he's full grown.

I agree with Katie that his tail will grow back fine if you keep his cage clean and leave him alone. You probably shouldn't be holding him for more than 5 minutes at a time twice a week - like while your cleaning his cage. Losing his tail is a sign that he was stressed out from being handled.

Best of luck and let us know what the vet said about the black spots!


Winchester, UK
i agree with every one else about stopping the handling.
he must have been pretty stressed to attempt to drop the tail. i mean iv accidently grabbed a few geckos by the tails, in a desperate attempt to stop them trying flying over the years lol and not a single one has dropped a tail ever. their pretty hardy which would be another indication that hes super stressed or sick. you should still see a vet even if its just for a parasite check.
Did you ever take him to the vet in regards to the "black spots" in his mouth??

About that... No because I did some Internet searches, and the black spots does not look like the mouth rot.

Not only that but my mom says and I quote:
"We did go to the vet. It's called me." Except in Polish.
i agree with every one else about stopping the handling.
he must have been pretty stressed to attempt to drop the tail. i mean iv accidently grabbed a few geckos by the tails, in a desperate attempt to stop them trying flying over the years lol and not a single one has dropped a tail ever. their pretty hardy which would be another indication that hes super stressed or sick. you should still see a vet even if its just for a parasite check.
I would go to the vet... But I can't.

SC Geckos

New Member
About that... No because I did some Internet searches, and the black spots does not look like the mouth rot.
Black spots in the mouth can for sure be a sign of mouth rot. It just may not be as extreme at this point as alot of the google pictures show. Here is a little info on mouth rot...
Mouth rot is a bacterial infection that can affect both the mouth and gums of a leopard gecko. Symptoms include bleeding gums, loss of appetite, blackening of the teeth, swollen mouth, and a cheesy, yellowish buildup between the teeth. This disease almost never occurs in healthy geckos, as it is generally brought on by dirty living conditions and low temperatures. It is extremely painful for the reptile and can prove fatal if not treated by a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

Hopefully its not the case, but it concerns me when you posted this a few days ago:
I have one more question. In between his teeth and his lips, there's some black stuff in between. What could that be?
Seems to be that this gecko needs to brush his teeth! Lol...
Seriously though, should I brush his teeth or wash them somehow?

Not only that but my mom says and I quote:
"We did go to the vet. It's called me." Except in Polish.
.........No comment...........
Black spots in the mouth can for sure be a sign of mouth rot. It just may not be as extreme at this point as alot of the google pictures show. Here is a little info on mouth rot...
Mouth rot is a bacterial infection that can affect both the mouth and gums of a leopard gecko. Symptoms include bleeding gums, loss of appetite, blackening of the teeth, swollen mouth, and a cheesy, yellowish buildup between the teeth. This disease almost never occurs in healthy geckos, as it is generally brought on by dirty living conditions and low temperatures. It is extremely painful for the reptile and can prove fatal if not treated by a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

Hopefully its not the case, but it concerns me when you posted this a few days ago:

.........No comment...........
The guy at a different forum I saw had the same problem. I'll give you the link.
The pic looks exactly like Oliver with the black teeth! EVERYONE THERE SAID ITS FINE. He cleared it up with iodide and it was fine.
I had that when I was little too. So I'll clean it up with the iodide.
You always act like its my fault! Well it's NOT.

SC Geckos

New Member
The guy at a different forum I saw had the same problem. I'll give you the link.
The pic looks exactly like Oliver with the black teeth! EVERYONE THERE SAID ITS FINE. He cleared it up with iodide and it was fine.
I had that when I was little too. So I'll clean it up with the iodide.
You always act like its my fault! Well it's NOT.
I have never said it was anyones fault. I want to help the gecko in question first and for most. I try to be as respectfull as I can but TBO, the keepers feelings come in a very distant second.
I read the link you provided and the only thing that was agreed on by just about everyone was taking the animal to the vet.
I would not attempt to treat that gecko with iodine or any medication unless you are instructed to by a licensed exotic vet.
I have never said it was anyones fault. I want to help the gecko in question first and for most. I try to be as respectfull as I can but TBO, the keepers feelings come in a very distant second.
I read the link you provided and the only thing that was agreed on by just about everyone was taking the animal to the vet.
I would not attempt to treat that gecko with iodine or any medication unless you are instructed to by a licensed exotic vet.

I understand that the keepers feelings come second, but you must understand I am here for help, not to listen to people tell me I have to go to the vet. I've had multiple people chewing on me because I won't go to the vet. Believe me, I've tried, but I'm ten years old. I have to get parent permission for most of the things in my life.
Half the time I need help, I'm afraid to ask because you get mad at me for not going to the vet.


I understand you are only 10, my oldest is 6, and that you cannot take him to the vet without help from your parents, But parents should know that if they bring in a pet then they are the ones responsible and trips to the vet are part of it. I grew up with parents that if anything was wrong with a pet, they just 'disappeared' or 'ran away'. I don't think that anyone was trying to blame you, they were just telling you what needs to be done. With the newly dropped tail the not handling him except for tank cleanings until it's fully regenerated. I think that everyone is just trying to help.

SC Geckos

New Member
I understand that the keepers feelings come second, but you must understand I am here for help, not to listen to people tell me I have to go to the vet. I've had multiple people chewing on me because I won't go to the vet. Believe me, I've tried, but I'm ten years old. I have to get parent permission for most of the things in my life.
Half the time I need help, I'm afraid to ask because you get mad at me for not going to the vet.
I understand and applaud you for seeking help, but there are some health issues that can not simply be solved on a forum. It would be nice if it was as easy as that.... but its not.
Good luck to you and your gecko.


Ridgewood, NJ
Personally, I wouldn't treat my animals with anything recommended over the internet unless I could find ample documentation proving it would not hurt them in multiple published books or scholarly journal articles and even then I might hesitate. I read Brad stating that your comments were concerning and then providing some useful advice. I didn't read an iota of blame or fault being dished out. If you're here for help you need to not get defensive when people provide it and understand the help people who are -- 1) not veterinarians, 2) not seeing an animal first hand, and 3) may not have the experience to give advice (no offense meant or implied to anyone - just a general statement) -- can give you over the internet is SEVERELY limited and to be taken with a grain of salt.
Personally, I wouldn't treat my animals with anything recommended over the internet unless I could find ample documentation proving it would not hurt them in multiple published books or scholarly journal articles and even then I might hesitate. I read Brad stating that your comments were concerning and then providing some useful advice. I didn't read an iota of blame or fault being dished out. If you're here for help you need to not get defensive when people provide it and understand the help people who are -- 1) not veterinarians, 2) not seeing an animal first hand, and 3) may not have the experience to give advice (no offense meant or implied to anyone - just a general statement) -- can give you over the internet is SEVERELY limited and to be taken with a grain of salt.
No offense, because I do agree that he did tell me about the mouth rot, but he mostly just said I should go to the vet, and when I didn't he continued to tell me that.

SC Geckos

New Member
The reason I asked you again about the vet was because you stated this.
Okay I will seriously have to go to the vet now. I'll give you the details afterwards!
I thought that meant...... you were going to the vet.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Julie.. We are trying to help as best we can. But if your parents won't take Ollie to the vet, there really isn't anything else we can do, hun. We can't wave a magic wand, or give you some recipe that is going to make him better (BELIEVE ME, If I could, I would!) Leopard Geckos aren't "cuddly, play with them" type pets. They like to be left alone, especially when they're little. For HIS sake, would you consider giving him up to a rescue or finding him a home where he can get proper treatment and vet care? PLEASE don't make him suffer with home remedies that may hurt him more than they'll help him, and maybe die a slow and painful death. I am thinking about BOTH of you. I know it's hard to hear, but it's the truth. It will make him much happier and relieve a LOT of stress for you. Then, when you are older and have a job of your own, you can get a leopard gecko and give it an AWESOME cage and spoil it rotten! :) I know you are only 10 and it's hard to have a sick pet. My heart goes out to you, it really does. But I really think the best thing for him and you, would be to find him a different home (maybe one where you can visit him) and wait until you can pay for vet care yourself, before you get another.

EDIT - The reason why everyone said, "Go to the vet" is because that is what needs to be done. I know you are frustrated and upset that your parents won't take him. And I know it can be aggravating when you keep hearing, "TAKE IT TO THE VET" and you KNOW it needs to be done, but there isn't anything you can do about it, because you're 10 and rely on your parents. I'm not trying to make you frustrated OR upset. I really do care about YOU AND YOUR GECKO. That is why I suggested giving him to a rescue or someplace else where he can get the treatment he needs. Sometimes life is hard and we need to put our feelings aside for our pets, who depend on us to take care of them.
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