Morph/Breeding Opinion/Question


New Member
I'm super new here and I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place or if this is even an acceptable question to ask, so bare with me.
I've started breeding my Leopard geckos and am curious about morphs. Currently, I've bred a couple of my pet store geckos just to get a couple clutches under my belt. So far, 3 hatchlings, 4 more eggs in the incubator. As far as I'm concerned, I'm doing pretty good.
On to the real question. I am having trouble deciding on what morphs to focus on. There are so many possibilities. This is clearly not as much a cut and dry question as it is an opinion. As far as designer geckos, I have a blood tangerine, a Pacific GreenxBlood Tangerine, and an APTOR. These don't necessarily have to be included in any thoughts.
I love high contrast morphs-Oranges and whites are at the top. And I love the stark black and white morphs like black holes. RAPTOR, APTOR, and Enigma are all neat spins on the more common morphs that are also super cool.
I am curious as to your opinions on what morphs I should invest my time in. Also, what morphs are there a decent market for? I don't want to waste time on morphs that I wouldn't be able to sell, but I don't have the space or money to be attempting to produce the crazy-expensive morphs.
I would love to know your opinions! Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!!!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
In my opinion you should invest your time in morphs that you like the look of and produce healthy looking offspring which will sell, especially as you get a reputation for producing healthy offspring. You will have less success with pet store geckos of unknown genetics because the breeders won't want to buy them. Good luck. It's fun.



Ghoulish Geckos
Exactly what Aliza said. There are breeding ethics to follow and breeding unknown pet store geckos is not good. Research your morphs and basic genetics and decide what you want to produce. Do not mix albino strains or breed unknown genetics. Know that it's very hard to find het free animals anymore. Just because an animal is listed as a mack snow at a show, it doesn't mean it's het free. It means it's unknown. Buy from a real breeder and go from there. Then you can make a good name for yourself in the gecko community.

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