Keep in mind that "Halloween mask" doesn't only refer to the distinct bold patterns on the head but also unusual markings on the body ,HM's differ ,some have very bold lines while some might only have 2 bold patterns (this is what differentiates poor quality -high quality) check out the "leopard gecko wiki" site and you'll see the exact characteristics to one he has posted amongst the pictures... To consider something else rather than a HM simply because they are hard to find would dramatically cause a error if you apply that knowledge to all leopard gecko simply cannot say what something is or isn't without knowing the true background. And keep in mind I stated that its a "possible" HM,I'm just giving ideas as to what it could be as that's what this forum is about .
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Actually, the wiki is outdated and often incorrect. If you look at my history here, you can see I have been an active member for a very long time (and a mod). I very much remember the early Halloween masks that Paul Allen worked on. You can't look at a gecko with bold head markings and assume it's a Halloween Mask (and normals and tangerines can have dark head markings just like those above). The mask is a line bred trait and you take the best mask to best mask to make them better. The body can vary.
Halloween Mask History - GeckoBoa Reptiles