Thanks, I thought so but wanted more input... I'm not good at knowing what the babies are yet.Not sure on the bottom two but the top does look like a tange to me.
Thanks for your help!!! I love the smiley face! It started out really faint and has gotten bolder and darker with each shedI've never heard of a salsa stripe, but people are always making up names for "new" morphs and don't always wait to be sure it's really transmissable from one generation to another. The top one looks as if it will be a tang. The middle one is a jungle (broken tail and body bands). Some people would call it a tang, it's usually a matter opinion for the ones that are kind of yellowy orange. The adult female is a stripe which is why you got the jungle. You may get some stripes out of her. I like the smiley face on the jungle baby's head.
That's why I don't plan on breeding her again, didn't even plan on breeding her the first time. She never really fit into my breeding plans, but I thought the tangerine was a female so that's why they were together.There is no way to tell the morphs 100% sure as you dont know what the mothers genes are. What if shes Het for some thing, Its very hard to find out with out inbreeding, and looking at future generations. Sorry :/