Morph ID and value?


New Member
Lehigh Acres, FL
I have posted on another forum but the leopard gecko part is pretty slow so I figured this might be a better place to ask:

My boyfriend thought he and my son would be more interested in something "different" than *my* animals, so he picked these 2 up as babies at a show that they attended with me. It ended up that I was the one taking care of and raising them but I just want to focus on ball pythons and crested geckos for now and I could use the space and extra bugs on them. They look much different (more so the male) than what they did back then. The female was sold to us as a Reverse Stripe and the male was sold as a Bold Jungle. I just want to make sure that I'm labeling them accurately when I list them for sale since their appearance has changed so much. I would like to think that the breeder knew what he was selling but I've seen stranger things happen. After some digging, I'm pretty confident that the female is indeed a Reverse Stripe but I'm not seeing a lot of info on Bold Jungles so I'm still not sure on him. Also, I have NO idea on what these 2 are valued at so any opinions on that would be appreciated as well. The female is sitting at 46g and the male is 65g.





Staff member
Somerville, MA
When you got the male, was the tail banded or were some of the bands broken? If the tail was completely banded (I can't tell from the picture because the entire tail isn't in it) then technically it's not really a jungle, but an "aberrant". They are nice healthy looking geckos but in my opinion don't look that special. I usually sell my adult "retired" breeders for $50 each which is what I'd imagine they'd bring.



New Member
Lehigh Acres, FL
I should also say that the female looks to be going into shed in these pics but the color is pretty close, just usually a bit brighter yellow. The male's tail was banded as a baby and he didn't have nearly that many spots on him. He was very bright and mostly black, yellow and white with a banded tail (don't recall if it was broken bands or not) but the bands have faded dramatically since then and he's gained a ton of spots. These guys are just now starting to breed which is mostly the reason I've decided to give them up at this point. I'm not all that interested in breeding them myself and I could use the food and space that I use on them for my crested geckos and frogs (I don't breed the frogs but I still have to feed them). I'm not in a huge rush to get rid of them but I've had some inquiries asking how much I would be willing to let them go for. They are still young and not anywhere near being retired but would you say they'd still bring about $50 each even if they are new breeders?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I would get a few more opinions from other people. I do tend to be a bit low. However, since you don't seem to have complete genetic info (correct me if I'm wrong, maybe you do --do you know for sure, for example that they're not het for anything?) it's unclear what people will pay for them. You could always go on Kingsnake and look to see what similar geckos are going for (and whether or not they're getting sold). Good luck with them.



New Member
I would have to agree with acpart if you don't know the genetic history it may be harder to sell them. I also agree that they are extremely healthy but are really not all that special. I used to have a Jungle Bold Stripe that looked like yours and I bought him from a pet store for $20.
I think it also depends on where you plan to sell them (website or local classifieds).
Personally I think $50 for each gecko is a bit high, but then again I live in an area where you can get a gecko that look like those with a full setup (cage, accessories, UTH, food, etc.) for $35.
I think there's a lot of variable that you'll have to take into consideration.
I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure you'll find home(s) for them because they are healthy and beautiful. :)


New Member
Lehigh Acres, FL
That's kind of a bummer since when we got them they were $30 each as babies (advertised as a bit more but he supposedly gave us a "deal" on the pair). Now they're adults and aren't worth much more. I think for that price I might just hang onto them to be honest. They aren't a source of income and yes they do take up some space and bugs but they're worth more to me than that to know they are being taken care of since I've had them for awhile now and I've learned their individual personalities. I'm still not sure I really want to breed them but who knows, maybe I'll make the time and space for some leopard gecko babies in the future. Plus, I've already made an account here, so maybe doing some reading and gecko gazing will spark more interest. Thanks to you both for your input. Maybe you'll be seeing more of me in the future ;)


New Member
One thing to point out... with the girl being only 46g, she may be at higher risk of complications if she's breeding, and won't have the resources to draw on for extended egg laying. If you keep these two, be sure you give the female free access to lots of calcium and be prepared in case she stops eating for a while.

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