Morph List


New Member
Genetic Type Morph
Dominant Calico (White & Yellow)
Dominant Enigma
Dominant Gem Snow
Dominant Tug Snow
Dominant Hine Ghost
Incomplete Dominant Giant/ Super Giant
Incomplete Dominant Mack Snow/ Super Snow
Polygenetic Baldy
Polygenetic Tangerine Tornado
Polygenetic Super Hypo
Polygenetic Carrot Tail
Polygenetic Emerald
Polygenetic Patternless Stripe
Polygenetic Hyperxanthic
Polygenetic Lavender Stripe
Polygenetic Bold Jungle/ Bandit
Polygenetic Reverse Stripe
Polygenetic Line Bred Snow
Polygenetic Nieves Tangerine
Polygenetic Red Stripe
Polygenetic Halloween Mask
Polygenetic Electric Tangerine
Polygenetic Hot Gecko Tangerine
Polygenetic High Yellow
Polygenetic Rainbow
Polygenetic Black Velvet
Recessive Murphy Patternless
Recessive Blizzard
Recessive Tremper/ Texas Albino
Recessive Rainwater/ Las Vegas Albino
Recessive Bell/ Florida Albino
Recessive New Albino/ Tremper 2
Recessive Tremper Line Eclipse
Recessive Marbled Eye
Recessive Black Pearl
Recessive Blue Tail
Recessive Stripe
Unknown Blue Belly
Unknown Uni
Unknown Abyssinian

This is a list of what I have found and consider individual morphs, if there are any discrepancies please let me know and I will make the necessary changes but I hope this can help anyones questions on mode of inheritance and what certain possible out comes are. I also have a complete two combo morph list and three combo morph list if anyone wants to see them (except for the polygenetic combos still working of those). Also if this were placed as a sticky I think it would help a lot of people, just a thought.
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Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
its similar to a lesser form of incomplete dominance...

for example: if you have a reverse stripe and a jungle, your possible offspring could be jungle, aberrant, aberrant stripe, or some where in between. these offspring could be considered het for stripe and would exhibit minimal or no striping. If the het for stripe geckos were bred to a reverse stripe you would likely get stripe and broken stripe patterns.

If stripe worked as polygenic (line bred) it would be like breeding a shtcb to a wildtype where you would get offspring with a more tangerine color, but also possible dark banding and likely head patterning.


New Member
I think I'd have to agree then that the stripes are acting like incomplete recessive. For instance the definition is that one copy is a dilute expression of the homozygous form and is differentiated from incomplete dominance in that the dominance is a median of two genes much like the mack snows show similarities to snows and wild type like they have been mixed together to form the heterozygous form of snow. These are an expression of the gene but in a much subdued way if at all. So the resulting jungle offspring could be just that a diluted version of the stripe and are an example of a het animal but even a banded animal could still carry a copy as that one copy might not be expressed at all, whereas a homozygous would be a stripe and show a full expression of the said gene. Thanks for the comment, I'd never known that term to exist before.

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
Add this info. Define Dominant, Incomplete Dominant, Polygenetic, Recessive, and Co-Dom.. This information is great for newb like my self. I'm just learning all the morphs real good and what it takes to get each morph. This is a one stop morph list for people just learning. Someone sticky this thread!


New Member
That's a good point on the black pearls when I made this list everything that I could find pointed to them being recessive, but in recent news they could possibly be incomplete dominant. The important thing about them is that they are a heritable genetic mutation.

Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
Craig Stewart said a few months ago that it seemed to be acting as a recessive trait, but it could be a co-dominance inheritance. But if it is a co-dom trait the het form is so dilute that it doesnt even matter...

Either way this is a proven genetic trait that can be passed on. And the homozygous form is one awesome looking creature that i cant wait to get a hold of... Imagine a black pearl eclipse albino strain or a black pearl enigma...


New Member
Ames, Iowa, USA
Add this info. Define Dominant, Incomplete Dominant, Polygenetic, Recessive, and Co-Dom.. This information is great for newb like my self. I'm just learning all the morphs real good and what it takes to get each morph. This is a one stop morph list for people just learning. Someone sticky this thread!
Two genes, A and a, make three gene pairs: AA, Aa, and aa. If an Aa animal looks like an AA animal, then gene A is dominant to gene a, and gene a is recessive to A. That's how the textbooks define it. The pro geneticists classify one gene as the wild-type or normal gene and the other as the mutant gene. The wild type gene is the standard and is neither dominant nor recessive. If gene A above is the wild-type or normal gene, then a is a recessive mutant gene. If a is the wild-type gene, then A is a dominant mutant gene.

If an AA animal, an Aa animal, and an aa animal all look different, then A and a are codominant to each other. If a is the wild-type gene, then A is the codominant mutant gene.

FOR SIMPLICITY, incomplete dominant, codominant, transdominant, partial dominant, semidominant, less than dominant, and other terms can be treated as synonyms.

Polygenic = a phenotype produced by the effects of more than one pair of genes. Usually the effects cannot be subdivided and assigned to a single pair of genes.


New Member
Ames, Iowa, USA
For what it's worth, I've never heard the term "incomplete recessive" before this thread. In my opinion, multiplying categories just multiplies confusion. I think would be better to dump the term and classify the mutant as recessive, codominant, or dominant (whichever seems closest).

Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
i can agree to an extent, the stripe genes could easily be listed as recessive ( for the most part), but there seems to be some dilution going on in the stripe gene complex that has an effect on many of the dominate patterns. (i.e. some of the "jungle" and "aberrant" patterns)

I think the term 'incomplete recessive' was originally coined to describe "dilution" in the color/pattern of horses and rats.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I have never heard the term 'incomplete recessive' either. If the Bold Stripes are recessive, I don't believe it is a 'simple recessive' trait. Maybe that's what is meant?

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
Two genes, A and a, make three gene pairs: AA, Aa, and aa. If an Aa animal looks like an AA animal, then gene A is dominant to gene a, and gene a is recessive to A. That's how the textbooks define it. The pro geneticists classify one gene as the wild-type or normal gene and the other as the mutant gene. The wild type gene is the standard and is neither dominant nor recessive. If gene A above is the wild-type or normal gene, then a is a recessive mutant gene. If a is the wild-type gene, then A is a dominant mutant gene.

If an AA animal, an Aa animal, and an aa animal all look different, then A and a are codominant to each other. If a is the wild-type gene, then A is the codominant mutant gene.

FOR SIMPLICITY, incomplete dominant, codominant, transdominant, partial dominant, semidominant, less than dominant, and other terms can be treated as synonyms.

Polygenic = a phenotype produced by the effects of more than one pair of genes. Usually the effects cannot be subdivided and assigned to a single pair of genes.

This sounds like pig latin to me :D But I'm still learning :main_thumbsup: So Thanks!


New Member
By the way, i love the name Crotaphytidae. I take it you are a fan of Collard lizards...?
Very big fan of the entire family, I currently study population variations of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Crotaphytus collaris. I'm already convinced that the C. collaris in Utah described currently as C. c. bailyi and C. c. auriceps are in fact a single species and should be classified as C. baileyi as this was the first description and C. auriceps would therefore be synonymized as such.


New Member
I hadn't heard the term incomplete recessive before this thread either, but did a search and found some info on a horse genetics sight that helped explain it.

Incomplete recessive looks to be a made up term for some kind of partial dominance. Lol

I have theory of the jungle, stripe, reverse stripe and aberrant genes. Not going to say anything though… lol…

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