It varies for me, I love a classic steller blonde that is high contrast, but I think my fav are cream on creams...crazy cream on creams lol..I own 2 that I thinks are just to die for. But things like pinners dont do anything for me.
Really there are several things that go into pricing, you have the morph, the color, the lineage, your name, crest and head structure. These are all things. So 2 blondes with almost identical pattern could be 2 prices, one maybe $60 the other $120. The more expensive one may be crowned which is why it is worth more. And this is a major key to look at, most people see beautiful markings and color and forget to look at the crests and structure. Clean and dirty makes a difference also. There are some geckos spots are fine on (IMO), others require to be clean. I wouldnt spend $100+ on a pinner with dal spots, again they are not my fav, but they look nicer to me clean, and generally usually cost more. But dal spots make a difference also, a red with just a few black...or a red with a few red and black spots will make a difference in price even if they have about the same amount of dal spotting.
Morphing can be hard, and alot of people do not properly morph their geckos, or purposely confuse people with fancy names or calling the something like a halloween at 3g when often they loose their orange as they mature. So if youre fairly new to cresteds you can possibly get taken advantage of by other newbies thinking they are pros, or by pros who take advantage of the fact crested morphing is difficult to learn for many people.
And the name makes a difference, doesnt make it a better gecko, but it does play a role.
Yep I have been working with these guys for quite a while now, created morphs are a walk in the park for me...Leo's and bp's are a different story though!