Morphs and attitudes


Westminster, Colorado
Both of my giants were acquired at less than a year old and were a little unnerved for a while in their new homes - but both are now so very laid back and easy to handle. I'm really smitten with the Giants!

Have fun at the show!


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
I would say giants. All the giants ive ever seen have been reallly mellow. All my geckos though arnt giants, and they can all be skittish as hell. Even the tremper albino whos usually calm has her moments. And our male is calm but he nips me and pees on me ;~;. Why meeeeeee.


monkeygirl said:
i heard blizzards are a bit more aggressive when younger than others.....i didnt read the thread fully though just skimmed it cos i dont have any blizards......not sure if that even helps :/
my juvie BB's are nasty...
NASTY CUTE!!!!:main_thumbsup:
they are a bit nippy though:D

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Leopard Geckos have different distinct personalities and characters. Since I handle all of them frequently, the vast majority are quite calm... even the Blizzards. I think blizzards are probably not the best choice for a novice, and it's a good idea to ask the breeder for the calmest geckos. Keep in mind that babies are all pretty feisty, but the older they are and the more they are handled, the more mellow they are.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
i didnt read all the posts here, but what i did glimps at alot of yous think the blizzards have the biggest attitudes. i have to agree with marcia about them all being diff, but calm for the most part. on the other hand...those blizzards.... they can be a lil fiesty compaired to all the others.


I love giants. I got one and then decided I needed more because of how calm they are. I have two blazing blizzards and both are fighters. My patty (aka murphy patternless aka "leucistic") isnt tame at all. She was when I first got her but since then shes decided that she doesnt like me at all. My blizzard and high yellows hate being handled as well, but tolerate it. My SHTCTs get spooked easily. My bells will do anything to keep from getting picked up. My stripe seems to like me. And my super snow doesnt seem to mind being held, but is always hiding. Hopefully that helps.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I don't really think Blizzards are all that bad. Mine was a shark when I first brought him home, granted he was a little guy, but after frequent and gentle handling he is as calm as can be (He is my current avatar). I only have one really spastic leo, a normal, and even she has calmed rather well. It all really comes down to how much it gets handled and as long as you aren't rough with them I think they begin to view you as something other than a threat.

My calmest girl is my shtct Hikage, she is actually chilling on my shoulder as I type this very post. I handled her more than any of my other leos when she was growing up and I think that is why she is so calm. Although I would agree for a first time leo that can be handled and is calm from the get go, a giant would be your best bet.


I have blizzards...they are just babies...but one is fiesty and the other is more laid back


New Member
Pickerington, OH
I bought my patternless from Marcia and I just LOVE her!! She enjoys being handled and begs to come out of her tank! It's an excellent idea to be upfront and say what type of temperment you are looking for and let the breeder help you find the calmest leo. I would do as other's have suggested and handle them, too. Sometimes things just click and you will know which is the best choice...grin

Good luck and have fun!


Double LY

curiousKathy said:
Sometimes things just click and you will know which is the best choice...grin

And sometimes things click, you get one from a friend at X-mas time and then a couple months later you have 9 :blush:

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