most hide


New Member
yeah im seeing that.... but with the 40 breeder i have plenty of room... I am going to add a bigger moist hide though, they have plenty of hide space on the cool side.... its the warm im worried about....i have hides that hug the glass and UTH's on the outside of that glass to warm the hide. But only one like that. Also my house stays at 68 degrees so what ever heat i can add to the cage i thought would be beneficial. so i am thinking of putting in a bigger moist hide and another glass hugging warm hide.....maybe when i get home i will video tape all of this and put it up for you guys to we can correct my ignorance......

lol It happens to us all at the beggining. That is how we learn because problems start happening. Then we get to say to you, I tried to warn you:)
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Tight Budget Herping
San Antonio, TX
So far I've noticed the heat cable stays at a more constant temp than the UTHs I have. I have one that is spilt between a 20L & a 10gal. I removed those UTHs & put them on the dubia bins for the winter, and I must say the dubia like them!

Heat cable also heats up right when you plug it in. I know UTHs take a few hours to reac their max temp.

~via Tapatalk~


New Member
thanks 5HL....

So i went and bought thermometers...and the air temp on my warm side IS around 80...and 70-75ish on the cool side.... i put in that ceramic heat bulb and it was WAAAAY too hot, it was 98 on the warm side and 85 on the cool, they moved out of their hides and went to the cool side. so i turned off the heat bulb..... I upgraded the look of there tank quite a bit....hopefully i can get some snap shots when i get home this afternoon.....created a bigger moist hide too.

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