Mr or Ms Oliver Gecko!


New Member
I just got him/her in July! These pictures were taken just minutes ago and i was wondering if ya'll could ballpark his/her age for me :).





New Member
Miami, FL
Hmm, yep I'm gonna say 3 or 4 months as well. And from the slight bulge under his/her tail in that last pic, I'm thinking it's a Mr. Oliver lol. He could use a few wax worms for a little bulking up, but he looks good, love those thick lavender bands too :)


New Member
I have to say thats a great looking gecko.


Thanks will! I think so too :)

Hmm, yep I'm gonna say 3 or 4 months as well. And from the slight bulge under his/her tail in that last pic, I'm thinking it's a Mr. Oliver lol. He could use a few wax worms for a little bulking up, but he looks good, love those thick lavender bands too :)

You think so?! That's awesome! I was kinda thinking that too 'cause, yeah, i've noticed the bulge as well! I've viewed his underside and can't see the pronounced "V" of pores yet, but perhaps that won't appear until he's older.

That's a boy! Soon gonna be a big boy :main_yes:

You think he'll be big? I hope so!


New Member
Hmm, yep I'm gonna say 3 or 4 months as well. And from the slight bulge under his/her tail in that last pic, I'm thinking it's a Mr. Oliver lol. He could use a few wax worms for a little bulking up, but he looks good, love those thick lavender bands too :)

Oh yeah, and i meant to say that I've tried feeding him wax worms on many occasions but he doesn't seem to like them. He's on a mealworm only diet. What should I do about that? I've been trying to bulk him up but he's a stubborn little guy.


New Member
And one more thing: I want to get him a buddy. I know I should wait until he's full grown (which I'm going to do) and only introduce a lady leo when it's time. If i don't want to keep any of the babies they'll probably produce, what do i do with them? And often do they lay?


New Member
Virginia Beach, VA
Leos are like pez dispensers. Females can retain sperm and breed all year with laying times of about 2-3 weeks apart from each other. so even if they mate once you can have eggs all year. What I would do before you start breeding is find local places that will maybe buy your Leos, I wouldn't sell any to a pet shop too early though. Maybe wait around 2 months so you can feed them and get them on a good diet. avoid pet smarts and most chain pet stores as they don't take that great care of their animals. Private stores seem to take better care of their animals. Just find a place that you know will take good care of them and see if they buy animals from you. another option would be craigslist, but you never really know the people that are buying from you and how they treat the animals they have so I would only use that as a last resort.

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