Hahaha awww! So adorable! And then I saw the roach..ew... I wanna try to feed my geckos dubia but I'm too afraid.. even with crickets... how do u do it?
Wow, Norman is gorgeous! I love how you captured his expressions, very cute!
Eat with your mouth shut, Norman!!
Great pics!!
He eats roaches, superworms, hornworms, and lots of veggies when he's in the mood (there is a list of things they can and can't have). He has way more personality that my leos do. He knows all of our voices and turns his head to hear the door when my husband gets home. He also loves music and runs over and puts his ear up when it's on.beautiful animal, love the color. are they really more charismatic as leos???
What else does Normans diet consist of???
I want 1 but my gf put a quota on the animals after i brought home some balls.
What Color Morph Is He? I Love His Color
my cousin has a beardie, really want one but can't fit the tank one would need in my room... on my list of things to get when i move out...