i got the whole set up as a deal and had to speciel order some stuff got it for around 170 or so have a lot more plants that i can put in but joker doesn't like them like he likes this one i took some stuff out and he seems to liek this set up a lot more
I like the plants you have in there, I'm sure Joker loves jumping around and hiding in that. I'm just using the one that came with it and a similar one bought at Pet Co but I plan on shopping around for different things eventually.
Looks good. I love the Zilla atriums, just about perfect sized for cresties and good quality for the price. I have 6 of them and will probably order more shortly.
Got my set up from pangea and changed a few things out and they gave me the plant that's in there as well as a couple other stuff. And can't beat a gecko for 35 bucks just for shiping ether.
ty all they the real credit goes to pangea with giving me all the stuff in the package i just put the stuff in the cage and moved stuff till i noticed joker loved his set up.