I am so excited my Jorielle ladi her first egg today. i swear i am worse then a nervous mom. I have been checking the temp on that incubator every 15 minutes to make sure it doesn't budge,lol. Thew worst part is waiting 60 days to get my baby.
Congrats, hatchlings are great, the first is the best. I just had one hatch yesterday. And it doesn't really mater if the temperature doesn't stay the same. I keep my eggs in my room so it is hotter in the day and it cools down at night. Now here is the bad news it normally takes around 70 days for them to hatch, at least all of mine have.
oh noooooo, I have to wait even longer, lol. I will relax about the temps then, thanks. I had just read in my book that you shouldn't let it change over 1 degree either way so I was stressing out. I have been checking it like every 15-20 minutes.