Congratulations on your new baby. It's too young to tell what morph it will be. If it loses all its spots it will be superhypo, if it loses nearly all its spots (I know it doesn't have spots yet, but it will) it will be hypo. If it turns oranger it will be tangerine and otherwise it will be high yellow or normal, but cute no matter what.
pretty looking little guy congrats... my only concern would be him reaching into those bowls to get anything maybe switch to like water bottle caps until her gets a bit bigger to make it easier for him
thanks everyone and soccerdad, he can get into them fine, ive seen him in the 2 red ones but not the water dish, he looks in it but never goes in, but do you think i still should switch just to be safe?
ok thanks ill switch in a little bit, gonna try for him not to hiss or bite me like usuall, haha and should a water bottle cap be big enough for a water dish?
I actually used a tiny like chip dip lid or something and I am currently using a Pringles lid Its perfect and lasts about a day and a half. You'll actually see a dry spot in the middle when its starting to dry up. Your gecko looks great:main_laugh:. Congrats, and I'm looking forward to see how he looks in a few weeks. The changes are awesome.