i picked up my first leo ever today from the store, however the seller was not 100% sure what type of morph it is, can anyone hazard a guess?
Also roughly how old would you think it is from the pictures, about 6 weeks is what the seller thought?
I know people will moan about my substrate, however the seller has been breeding thousands of lizards for many years and said he has yet to lose a lizard due to impaction from wood chips, he said they always spit the chips out, he did mention though that he has lost many lizards from impaction when using sand and so I will avoid that ofc.
Also roughly how old would you think it is from the pictures, about 6 weeks is what the seller thought?
I know people will moan about my substrate, however the seller has been breeding thousands of lizards for many years and said he has yet to lose a lizard due to impaction from wood chips, he said they always spit the chips out, he did mention though that he has lost many lizards from impaction when using sand and so I will avoid that ofc.