my first leo


New Member
Hello all.. I did a ton of research and decided to set up my tank and get my first gecko over the weekend.. Here he/she is :D

I'm not really sure how old it is.. and I have no clue on the sex, bt Leonard/Lenore seems to be quite content in their new home... Now for the questions lol..

1)Is it possible to sex at this size? I have no clue what I'm looking at down there haha..

2)Can anyone tell how old it is by the pattern or the size compared to my hand?

3)At what age do they change into adult colors?

4)Based on it's pattern/colors right now, can anyone guess at what it might look like as an adult? Will it stay that dark yellow orangish color? will it gain spots all over or just where the bands are?

5)And finally is this what you'd call a "normal"?

Thanks a lot.. I'm in love and I think I already want another lol

Jess :D


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
1. Sexing would be hard to do when there that young, but a if you look close you could probably figure out the sex. Use google for male vs female gecko pics.

2. It looks about 2-3 months old. Just comparing to mine which are around 3 months.

3. This all depends. I'd say anywhere between 4-7 months.

4. It looks to be normal, I could be wrong though.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Hi, welcome at the geckoforums! Yes, your Normal is old enough to sex. Look under his belly. If it looks like THIS (he has V-shaped darker pores and two big bulges under his tail, it's a male).

A female doesn't have all that and looks like THIS from underneath.

Yours looks like it is about 4-5 months old. You should be able to see what it is :main_yes: Good luck,


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