My First Male!


New Member
Unfortunately I have no idea on the lineage, and scored him from a young breeder headed off to college. He's gorgeous, and a good 89 grams. Any help with his particulars would be appreciated. My head hurts form lineage/genetic explanations abroad.

He gets along well with all three of my females (SHTCTB's).



Owned By 5 Leos
OMG rolls on rolls on rolls of tail on him.

All look great, congrats on the male. I love males better than most female leopard geckos.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
He's an Albino; looks Rainwater to me, but could also be Tremper. The eyes can give a clue about that. More yellowish means Tremper, more grayish means Rainwater. If you got him from a person calling himself a "breeder," this person should be able to tell you!!

I hope you put him in quarantine for a month before you put him in with your females. Even if he looks VERY VERY healthy, this is good practice :main_yes:

As long as you don't know which Albino strain he is, don't pair him with your females; if your females are het Tremper or Bell, and you breed to a Rainwater, that's a big no-no, because you would mix different albino strains and "muddy the genetics." You could never sell those babies (some people would advise you to cull them). And males and females WILL breed if you put them together!

All your geckos have great colors, by the way! Let's see the whole body :main_yes: :main_thumbsup:



New Member
He's an Albino; looks Rainwater to me, but could also be Tremper. The eyes can give a clue about that. More yellowish means Tremper, more grayish means Rainwater. If you got him from a person calling himself a "breeder," this person should be able to tell you!!

I hope you put him in quarantine for a month before you put him in with your females. Even if he looks VERY VERY healthy, this is good practice :main_yes:

As long as you don't know which Albino strain he is, don't pair him with your females; if your females are het Tremper or Bell, and you breed to a Rainwater, that's a big no-no, because you would mix different albino strains and "muddy the genetics." You could never sell those babies (some people would advise you to cull them). And males and females WILL breed if you put them together!

All your geckos have great colors, by the way! Let's see the whole body :main_yes: :main_thumbsup:


2-3 month quarantine

Great advice, and yes he called himself a breeder. Youngin' trying it out. Gotta give him credit though, his animals were well fed, warmed, and they all had their own custom habitat. He's trying...

As far as quarantine all four came together, so separate the male form all three females yes? I have two others, a super tangerine and a snow (I believe) that are too young to breed and are in a separate housing. Seeing as how the recent four were all together (picked them up at separate times, decided on the male last) when at the previous person's home, are they okay to quarantine together?

I'll try some full bodies in a sec here, and thank you for the kind remarks.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Well, if they've already been together at the previous owner's house, it makes no sense to separate them now, so just keep the male away from the girls until you're sure that they are a perfect genetic match for breeding. I like your orange girls in the background of the photo. Nice big eyes and awesome color! :main_yes:



New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Blizzard definitely, possibly a Snow blizzard

That male definitely does not look like a Tremper. I concure, looks Rainwater.

All healthy, beautiful geckos btw!
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New Member
Elizabethville, PA
First one I'm almost certain is a blizzard. Looks like two of my females.

All of your guys are wonderful pick ups, you don't find something like this often!

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