My First Reptile/Leo!


New Member
Southern California
Here she is. At least I think she's a "she." She's 6-7 mo/old. I won't actually get her until tomorrow at noon. Her name is Darby. :)


Anyways, I pretty much know nothing about these critters. I've been doing my research but it's overwhelming! If there are any little tidbits about Leos that I should know as a beginner, please do share! Anything you found unexpected when you first got yours? Any good source websites?

What is her type called, anyway? EDIT: And she is untamed. What is the best way to tame her?

Thanks! :)
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Wonder Reptiles
I would have learned about them before I bought one...

Whats your set up like? What are you using to heat the enclosure and what kind of thermometre do you have? How many hides? What are you using to suppliment with? What substrate?

Leos can be "tamed" with age. Dont handle this one until shes fully settled and eating well (could be weeks). Handling stresses them out. They arent a cuddly pet, many prefer to just be watched and not touched.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Leopard Geckos are happier when you just feed them and leave them alone. The only time I handle my gecko is after she sheds to check her over for stuck shed. And occasionally I will pick her up and just check her over to make sure everything is ok. Other than that I don't handle her. It would be in your best interest to answer the questions Katie asked, so we can let you know about proper husbandry.

Jade Huling

New Member
ann arbor
Every leopard geckos different some love being handeld while others dont. It depends on how much there handled. These little guys have run across the room and run up me when they get spooked but we handle ours A LOT. It will take a couple weeks for her to get use to her new terrarium, untill then she wont eat. Let her settle in, make sure she has multiple hides an plenty of privacy in her terrarium. I dont think I could let my lizards sit in the tank all day long with out handling them. I feel like taking them out and handling them and letting them run around stimulates their minds and gives them something more to do then bask eat and sleep. My one leo Ripley pretty much knows the layout of our house. I dont know what these other two folks are talking about but I didnt know much about them when I got Ripley it was a rescue basically and I learned about them after. Try getting the book Herpetology An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles for a broader understanding of herpetology and then the only other easy to find reading materials on leos are the janky little books they sell at pet smarts, not the most informative but just about all that can be found. Other than that asking people on here and finding an actual reptile store and real life herpetologists at expos are about the best ways to learn about them. Pet Smart and Pet supply plus are not reptile stores, the employees more than likely wont be able to answer many questions. Its not hard to care for the little buddies though, so I wouldnt be to worried, especially with just one, it does get a little more complicating when owning a couple due to territory and mating habits. :main_thumbsup: good luck

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