my frist hatchling is hatching!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I'm sorry to hear this, Brandy... yes, incubation temperature fluctuations are usually the culprit when it comes to eyelid deformities. Also, keep in mind that every time the incubator gets opened and/or removing the plastic container that contains the eggs, you are essentially causing the temperatures to fluctuate for the rest of the incubating eggs, especially with an Hovabator.

I know it's hard not to look often when you are expecting hatchlings, but try to keep it at no more than 8 hour intervals and make it brief.


New Member
Thanks guys. Im going to try and hand feed her. I don't want to put her down. If she seems to start to suffer I will, but she deserves a chance. I know you guys will be here to give me advice and help me with any problems I may have with her. Hopefully she can still have a good life.


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
I'm sorry to hear this, Brandy... yes, incubation temperature fluctuations are usually the culprit when it comes to eyelid deformities. Also, keep in mind that every time the incubator gets opened and/or removing the plastic container that contains the eggs, you are essentially causing the temperatures to fluctuate for the rest of the incubating eggs, especially with an Hovabator.

I know it's hard not to look often when you are expecting hatchlings, but try to keep it at no more than 8 hour intervals and make it brief.

Me and you must have posted at the same time. I don't open the incubator often. It's the one with the windows. So i can still be nosey! lol. once a week I open it so I can open the container the eggs are in to let some air in and to candle the eggs. I have had problems with this incubator from day One. it seems to fluctuate with the room temperature. and it's impossible to keep this house at a staple temp for some reason. I don't know if the thermestat that came with it is broke or what but I'm thinking of building my own incubator. at one point it was going from 83 to 89 in just an hour. I moved it to a different room that was more open and it helped a lot but I still get fluctuations. I just hope that the remaining eggs will be ok.

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