My gecko is still very skinny and idk why...


Ridgewood, NJ
Yeah she is super thin -- thin enough for it to be life threatening. In her condition the energy it will take her to move from a warm to a cool hide is a huge exertion. A much smaller enclosure (at least for a while) is a necessity as is being separated from all other geckos, having belly heat and having easy access to food and water. I would recommend leaving her a few mealworms in a lid with a low side 24/7. close to the hide she parks herself in.

If she has not had access to a warm spot and has been mainly in a 70-80 degree hide it can take a loooong time for a leopard gecko to lose weight - like months and months - which could be why she "has looked that way since you got her." If you want to try to save her you really need to take the advice offered by everyone here and change her living space quickly. Best of luck!!


New Member
Im probably going to get a 10 gallon tank for her tomorrow. Its reptile month at ++++++++ so the UTH's are like half off right now yay....


New Member
Yes they tested for crypto and did a fecal float and direct. the printing is some kinda floral pattern on the paper towels. And the other one doesnt bully her i watch her eat everyday the tank is beside my bed. Ill borrow a 10gallon from my friend and see how it goes

As always I wonder how active some threads are.

I visited a vet for my leo recently and concerning your "fecal float" vet said that the floats are inaccurate a number of times and that samples need to be sent to a lab(ie. not tested in the vets office) and be spun in a centrifuge.

Just my two cents


New Member
The vet i worked at did all inhouse testing with over 50k worth of computer thingys that ran test. Fecal floats test for basic parasites like hook worms round worms coccida andddd im missing another one but yea..Fecal directs can show bacterial issues. And Then other than that must be spun down and ran through the fancy computer testing stuff on a special swab.


Snake Wrangler
My friend had 6 geckos that all looked like this and they were houses together and they never got better and he ended up freezing them to put them out of their misery I think it could have been some disease and they looked exactly like yours

Embrace Calamity

New Member
My friend had 6 geckos that all looked like this and they were houses together and they never got better and he ended up freezing them to put them out of their misery I think it could have been some disease and they looked exactly like yours
No animal should ever be frozen. It is an extremely cruel method. It takes hours for them to die while their limbs slowly become frozen until eventually it kills them. If any animal needs to be put down, a qualified vet should do it.

For the record, the reason they were all skinny is probably because they were all housed together. Six geckos is too many for one enclosure unless it's absolutely enormous, and even then, it needs to be made in such a way that each gecko has all of the different areas it needs to stay healthy. Leopard geckos are not social creatures. For many, it's very stressful to be forced to be in such a small space with other geckos 24/7. I don't understand why people insist on housing them together.



Snake Wrangler
Also the freezing is very humane and it pretty much puts them into a deep sleep and they die quickly

Embrace Calamity

New Member
What ever you can just keep saying stuff he has more reptile experience in his pinky than you
The American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, and the Animal Health and Welfare Panel have all published literature stating that freezing is an inappropriate and unacceptable way to euthanize any vertebrate. It's cruel. Have you ever had frostbite? Do you know how much that hurts? Now imagine that all over your body for hours and hours in complete agony until eventually you die. That's what those geckos went through because your friend was too inconsiderate and uneducated to know any better.



New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I agree with Calamity. Why don't we stick you or your friend in a freezer and see how long it takes you to die? How do you think that would feel? They don't go into a deep sleep right away and they don't die quickly. Definitely NOT a "professional" I would want to deal with. Also, I could NEVER do that to my little Ozy. I LOVE her! Obviously he didn't give a rat's ass about those geckos. Awesome owner. ERMAGERD! This was my 666th post! Eeek! lol
Last edited:


Snake Wrangler
Tone it down satan lol

Wools lol means lucifer out lord hehe

I see where u both are coming from. But you are talking about freezing your pet. He recieved those geckos like that and they where not pets and he didn't have time for there sickness so he just got rid of them and he doesn't have time to drive to the vet and pay for 6 geckos to be euthanized.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I'm sorry, but nothing you say can justify it. If he doesn't even have time to drive to the vet and get them humanely euthanized how does he have time to take care of his other geckos? If you say he didn't have the money, then why did he get them in the first place? Most vets charge like $10 to put a gecko to sleep, and you don't even need to go to a herp vet for that. He could have just gone to his local vet and had it done. If he doesn't have time for their sickness, OK, but AT LEAST let them have a peaceful death since they didn't have a peaceful life. Freezing is inhumane, and that's the end of it. Period. DONE. So let's just drop it. THE END.


Snake Wrangler
Tone it down satan lol

Wools lol means lucifer out lord hehe

I see where u both are coming from. But you are talking about freezing your pet. He recieved those geckos like that and they where not pets and he didn't have time for there sickness so he just got rid of them and he doesn't have time to drive to the vet and pay for 6 geckos to be euthanized.


Embrace Calamity

New Member
Tone it down satan lol

Wools lol means lucifer out lord hehe

I see where u both are coming from. But you are talking about freezing your pet. He recieved those geckos like that and they where not pets and he didn't have time for there sickness so he just got rid of them and he doesn't have time to drive to the vet and pay for 6 geckos to be euthanized.
No, not as pets. No animal should be frozen alive - pet, wild, laboratory, etc. It doesn't matter. The fact is that it's extremely cruel an inhumane, so whether the person thinks of the animals as pets or not doesn't matter. At all. Even slightly. Whether it's a "pet" or not has nothing to do with their ability to feel pain or to suffer. If he wasn't willing to take care of them or, at the very least, put them down humanely, then he shouldn't have taken them. There's just no excuse, so stop making them.



Snake Wrangler
Alright obviously it didn't get through your fog this is done I have seen it is inhumans every one has different views and it is over so you can stop now thanks.

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