My Gecko Won't Eat

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Gecko's shouldn't really have light at all, unless it's for supplemental heat. What bulbs are you using? Try not to leave food in overnight next time. Crickets get hungry as well, and can start picking at your gecko. Great to hear that he ate the gecko though! :) Not sure if you would want to keep smushing mealworms and leaving it in, it would probably make a nasty mess. They rarely touch things that aren't moving anyway.


New Member
I am not sure what bulbs they have in the tank that Tango (the one not eating) is in. What ever they had in there when I bought it. I just assumed they knew what they were doing since they have 2 other geckos and tarantulas. As for our tank we have 2 reta-glow bulbs. When we first bought the tank the girl said it was fine to use the uv light that came with the tank. Then we later found out not to. Some of those pet store workers don't have a clue. It is hard to get proper answers you are looking for. Oh and he ate again. 5 crickets last night. We put them in hide one at a time and he gobbles them right up. If they come out he sits and watches them walk around, stalking them and waiting.

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