My husky may have liver cancer


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
A few weeks ago I felt a small bump on the chest of my 11-year old Siberian Husky "Melani" (pronounced may-la-nee). I brought her in the next day and the doctor said it was probably just a lipoma, but he felt a much larger mass in her abdomen. They did x-rays and saw a very large mass. We did a blood test and her liver has some elevated enzyme levels, but her blood was not in terrible shape. Waited over the weekend for ultrasound, which also showed a sizable mass. A needle aspirate was taken and it was inconclusive, maybe a hepatocellular adenoma vs. a "low grade" carcinoma.

The day after I found out about the growth in her abdomen I took her off all processed dog food and started feeding her fresh vegetables and steamed salmon, along with some medicinal mushroom and other natural anti-cancer type products.

The surgeon went in and removed the irregularly shaped mass Monday night. It was growing off her liver. This was a very traumatic experience for me, because her brother "Kuna" died two years ago after having two huge tumors in his abdomen. When the surgeon had Kuna on the table, he told me there were hundreds of tumors on his liver and it looked very insidious. We opted not to revive him. He had stopped eating and making sound already. It had gotten into his gall bladder which is very bad. The difference between Kuna and Melani is that Melani is still eating like crazy, drinking, going for walks, and shows almost no outward signs of illness. So needless to say, I was on my couch in a cold sweat Monday night waiting for that call. Luckily the mass was able to be excised and she made it through the surgery just fine.

Unfortunately the surgeon said that her liver looks pretty "lumpy bumpy". So she may have metastatic neoplasia of the liver, which is crushing news. However, she is still acting normal. I'm praying that it's something else and that the large growth was a benign adenoma.

She was in increasing discomfort the 3 days prior to the surgery, probably due to the size of the mass. Then after I picked her up Tuesday night she was in incredible pain. I called the vet at 3:00 AM and went and picked up some Tramadol immediately. That helped a lot. Now just a few days later, she is doing fantastic. Still in some pain, but she's doing her little dance when I feed her, and wants to be more active than I'm allowing at the moment.

So we're just awaiting the cytology report on the biopsy of the large mass that was removed from her liver. The vet is not that optimistic that it's not some sort of cancer, but I have other people experienced with canine cancer who tell me that he could be wrong. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm ready to attack the liver cancer if that's what it is. If chemo is not an option there's something called Neoplasene which is made from the blood root plant in Montana. It's an alkaloid similar to chemo drugs but cheaper and natural. The injectable form has produced some miraculous results on mast cell and other tumors that can be palpated from the skin. We'll have to use the oral form though, if that's what it comes to. I'll have to think hard about chemo. What a tough dog though! Here's a pic of her just before surgery.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Wow, she does sound like a trooper! Hopefully your vet's theory of it being cancer is wrong and she continues to make a quick recovery from the surgery. Good luck and keep your positive attitude.


New Member
I usually have a serious and dignified mental image of huskies (maybe because I don't know any) but she looks soo cute in that pic, haha!

I hope your vet is wrong... But even if he isn't, you'll be alright. She seems to be one little fighter.


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys! I fed her too much last night and she was in some discomfort, but this morning she ate some grass in the yard and puked up the extra food. She's feeling much better now. I probably shouldn't have added any veggies or salmon to the oatmeal either, too complicated for her to deal with right now. I'll go with just plain oatmeal or sweet potato for now, then broccoli and chicken soon.

I'm not supposed to walk her for 2 weeks after the surgery, so I just take her for short trips into the backyard and make sure she doesn't lay down in the dirt out there. Her playmate Clyde needs a walk though. I'll have to take him to the store with me and walk him in a field near the parking lot or something. That way Melani won't freak out that I'm not walking her too. Here's a few more pre surgery pics.


Aw, she's so adorable! Huskies are beautiful dogs. Good luck with her and I'm sure when it comes down to it, you'll make the best decision regarding her health whether it's something serious or not. :)


New Member
Washington, DC
It doesn't sound great, but it doesn't sound horrible, either. I think chemo isn't horrible on dogs like it is on people. As long as she's happy, no?

I hope your results come back as good news.


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
It was benign!

I got the histopathology report on the 4 x 14 cm growth that was removed from Melani's liver. It was a benign hepatic adenoma that appears to have been completely excised. Antech ran 6 slides and gave it special handling to make sure. The prognosis is good. I am so relieved! She seems to be recovering pretty nicely from the surgery now too.

We have an appointment with the vet in about a week. I'm sure they'll take a blood sample to be analyzed and see how her liver enzymes are looking. One person who's been advising me says I should read the vet the riot act for telling me that it had spread to her whole liver. I'm told that she probably just has a fatty liver, humans can have the same thing. I probably won't get too mad at him since he did a good job with the surgery though. I'll bring her in for an abdominal ultrasound in 6 months to make sure it hasn't grown back.


Yay! I'm so happy for you :). I think she deserves an extra bone now, lol.


Border Patrol Penguin
So. California
No bones, maybe a carrot instead. When I found out Melani had a large mass a few weeks ago, I immediately started blaming myself for feeding her too many processed snacks and dog food. She was on Wellness dog food, which has organic chicken and oatmeal, but it doesn't matter, if it's processed, it's not the healthiest thing you can feed your dog. I was also giving her those Denta Green Big Bones like every other day sometimes. Between those and the smokehouse rib bones, I was sure I had caused this.

So now she's on a diet of fresh steamed or boiled veggies and meat, mostly fish and chicken, no dog food. I was told that the Innova canned food is good, it's a holistic food. So I may start feeding that just once every other day or something. All this cooking and shopping is rather time consuming. Between taking care of my dogs, geckos and king/milk snakes, + feeders, it's getting to be way too much. I'll probably be listing a few leos I hatched to help pay the credit card bill.

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