My leopard gecko isn't eating


New Member
United States
I'm gonna try one more thing. I'm gonna cut the worm in half and try it. If that doesn't work. I don't know what else. I've tried several different things but nothing. Tomorrow or Sunday if he doesn't eat. I'm going to take him back to the pet store. I don't want him to die.


New Member
United States
I tried cutting a wax worm in half. He just started falling asleep... It was 11pm. I do not want hi dying so I'm giving him back in exchange for an adult leiopard gecko. It isnt gonna look as pretty as him though.


New Member
My adult gecko, when I first brought her home, wouldn't eat when people were watching. It was weird. She literally stood over the bowl when I first met her, looking at the food, but since the door was open to my sister's reptile room (she kept her for me for a couple weeks until I could get my own cage), she wouldn't eat! It was the weirdest thing. I had to put towels over her cage so she couldn't see me and would actually eat! After I took her with me to school, we noticed she stopped eating out of the bowl. I had a bucket for washes, so I started putting the mealworms loose in there and leaving her in there with them. It didn't take long before the squirmy wormies caught her attention and she gobbled em up! She still won't really eat them out of the bowl. She prefers loose or from the tongs for now. I think the bowl was too small for her to really pay attention to them, or something! I'm going to try again with a larger bowl in the new setup, so we will see. Sometimes you have to experiment with your gecko without putting too much undue stress on them. I bet the traveling back and forth between home and the pet shop is stressful. Even the short car ride from my college to my house, which was 15 mins or so, stressed out my littler gecko.


New Member
United States
I've only done it once in my time having him and the week after the drive to the pet shop he was eating fine. The 2nd time I did it was because he was getting very skinny and I swapped him for another one.

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