My leo's first picture (and an ID, please)!


New Member
I feel like I'm inundating this site with posts. But, being a new leopard gecko owner has me both excited and, well, a little scared. However, this post is a positive one. I'm showing off the first picture I've ever taken of my baby leo!

I apologize for the photo quality. I am using a new camera and am not experienced with its settings. Also, I did not want to cause too much stress to my new baby. His/her companion was not as willing a participant to sit for photos, so this is my one and only photo right now. And, since I've yet to come up with a name, for now, this leo will be known as "Baby Leo A." So, without further ado...


This gecko is young, but I'm not sure how young. I did get a weight of 5g and I know that is very tiny, but I don't know how to determine age just based on weight. I am guessing at a couple of weeks to a month old, but, that's just it, it's a very uneducated guess. Any ideas? Also, since I am so new to leopard geckos, I have no idea what morph this little guy may or may not be. I know that my geckos will both change dramatically as time goes on, but do you have any guesses as to what morph Baby Leo A is?

I'm like a proud mama who has just given birth! I tell you, who'd have thought I would feel this way about geckos?! I have so many questions and so little time, but I couldn't resist sharing this photo - my first photo of my new leo. Now, if only the tank-mate would cooperate so that I could share that pic as well!

I appreciate any information that can be provided. I'm very interested in ID'ing this little one (and its tank-mate). And, of course, who could resist looking at a photo of a baby?! Is it obvious yet that I'm in love?!


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Grats on the new baby!

+1 hypo possible super hypo baldy.

Looks to be about 3-4 weeks old. 5 grams is a little small, should be more like 7-10 at this point. Geckos hatch out at about 2-5 grams. Im sure the little guy will be fine once it gets going.

This guy looks dehydrated. You can see the skin folds on its side is a pretty good indicator. Anyone, cats/dogs/people/geckos that have skin that when you pinch it does not quickly lay back into place is likely dehydrated.

Make sure the little guy has plenty of fresh water. A moist hide for shedding can also help hydrate.

You can also give your gecko a bath. Put them in warm water, slightly warm to the touch, for about 15-20 min. The gecko may or may not drink some water and some water will absorb into their skin. I would do the bath once and then maybe again in a few days or 1 week.


New Member
Thank you both for responding and for your congratulations. They are very much appreciated.

So, for Baby Leo A, we're looking at a hypo or super hypo baldy, huh? I'll definitely need to get photos up of Baby Leo B in the next couple of days (if not sooner). I am interested in knowing what morph that little one may be as well.

As far as the dehydration goes, I did give both of the babies a soak. They were anxious and so I cut their soak short at about 10 minutes, but they do have water available to them at all times and I will give them a soak again in a couple of days. I'm trying to keep everything as stress-free as I can. But, it needed to be done and I did see Baby Leo A drinking some during its soak. I'm hoping they will continue to eat, drink, and improve condition in the coming days.

I did talk to the individual who had purchased them from PetSmart last week (and I suspect the fact that they came from a pet store is part of the reason they're so small at only 5g a piece) and was told that they weren't being given free access to water. And, when they were, the water was plain water from the tap - not treated at all. I am treating the water I give, but I'm concerned that damage has already been done. Should I be concerned so long as I start them off on the right track now? I think it's obvious I'm an anxious new "parent" here.

I'll post about that elsewhere. But, in the meantime, thank you for your suggestions and ID on my new baby.


New Member
palmetto FL
Im with the dehydration. I also like to say that petsmart is a good culprit. Just continue the weekly soaks, be sure they have a humid hide, this is really needed for young since they shed so much. What are they eating?


New Member
I wish these little ones did not come from PetSmart. I had always planned on purchasing from a breeder when I was ready. It's a shame that the individual I got them from chose to purchase from a pet store. And, it's even more unfortunate that these babies suffered because of that fact.

I feel so bad for my little guys. I hate to think that they're dehydrated. But, please know that I will do all that I can to ensure that they are healthy and happy as time moves on. Their soak tonight should help, but I will continue to give them soaks weekly, if not every 5 days or so. As far as what they're eating, I am feeding crickets. I've had these guys for not even 48 hours. So, they are still stressed from transitioning to yet another home - that makes two separate homes in a week's time. And, to think they're only 3-4 weeks old! Since everything is so new to them, they've not been eating as I'd expect them to. I have offered crickets and I know they've, at the very least, both eaten one or two, but it's nowhere near what they should be consuming as of yet. I'm considering purchasing some worms for them tomorrow - something fatty that will put some weight on them. What would be my best bet? I will, of course, continue with gut-loaded crickets as well. I just want these babies to have an opportunity to grow and become the healthy leopard geckos I know they are meant to be.

As I type, the one gecko is in the humid hide. And, I've seen one drink a bit as well. Hopefully, the weekly soaks and their hide will give them the boost they need. And, in the meantime, thank you all for your helpful suggestions and insight.


New Member
palmetto FL
When they do start eating you can up the moisture level in the crickets by feeding more juicy foods for gut load if not already. I think just meals might work unless you can get some small supers.

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